I think its time part 1

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"Babe I think it's time" I said determinedly looking at my husband. "Last time you said that you gave birth" he pointed out.

"Time for what?" He questioned "for tommy to meet his nana Thalia" she straight out said it knowing that if she sounded unsure he'd immediately shut her down.

"What? Why?" He looked at his wife like she was crazy, his mother was a controlling psychopath, and she wants her to see their baby?

"Because Tj is 1 now and she hasn't seen him yet, plus she didn't kill me when I was pregnant with him, she was being gentle she actually cared-ish well after the whole explanation about me being a Todd then there was the whole lian thing and..." Damian cut off my rambling by putting his hand on my mouth.

Licking his hand he pulls it back disgusted "seriously?" He said wiping his hand. "I'm a child at heart" she shrugs "yes and a mother to 3 children, so how young are you really?" He smirks at her offended look. Slapping his arm she looks at him "did you.... just call me....old?"

"It must be your hearing going first" he continues to tease his wife "you asshole I'm younger than you by months, atleast I didn't act like a 30 year old when I was 10!" I whined laying my head down in his lap "where are the children anyway?" He asks.

I shrug "I don't know" laughing at the look he was giving me, sitting up "I'm a bat, I married Batman, you think I don't know where my babies are?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Livs with lian gone shopping and Damon is with dad, he's showing him how to use his first gun, I remember my first gun" I sigh happily.
"The tender age of 15 I received my first gun that I actually was allowed to use or else I would've had my first gun when I was one when I shot uncle Roy....." I trail off with a smile.

"And TJ is with Alfred probably scrapbooking photos for the family album" I say leaning into him as he wraps an arm around me.

Rubbing his hand up and down my arm I look at him "I know what you're doing and it's not gonna work!" I tell him as he smirks at me "and what do you think I'm doing?"

"Your trying to distract me from what we were talking about" I whine getting sleepy. "I would
Never do that honey" he coos as I doze off to sleep.

Waking up an hour later I see that Damian is still asleep on the couch and the door opens and the kids walk in with Damon carrying TJ.

"Is this what you guys do when we're gone? Sleep" Liv asks looking at her still sleeping father. "When your a parent you'll understand" I wave her off. Taking TJ from Damon and giving the twins Both a kiss on the head I walk back to Damian and set his kid on his lap "do your thing baby!" I encourage.

Tj then begins to whine and jump and poke his fathers face until he woke up "your worse than your mother" he groans getting up. "He gets it from me, the poking at least he's definitely got your whining"

"Back to topic, is that a yes or a no?" I ask as he looks confused "to what?"

"To TJ meeting Thalia!" I yell pointing to the child for emphasis. "Please just for like 5 mins, just once, it would be better us going to her and having it on our terms than her tracking us down and coming to us"

"Your gonna see nana Thalia?" Damon asks as they walk into the living room. "Can we come?" Liv asks.

"I'm not sure guys..." Damian responds looking at me "the last time we saw her your mom was 5 months pregnant and she had lian in custody" I sighed.

"We had tea, and talked murders" I added.
They looked at me "she's crazy but it was nice" I defended myself from the looks sent my way.

"So can we?" I ask hopefully giving him puppy eyes and waving for the kids to join me "fine" he nods defeated. "You taught them this, you all come at me at once I'm Batman!" He complains.

"Yeh well I've been working bruce and my dad and pretty much anyone else for years" I smirk at him. As we left the room I could hear him mumble to himself "I don't know why I thought my wife was sane"

Laughing I spoke to myself "should've looked at the fine print when you asked me to marry you"

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