Ski Trip Again?! pt5

Start from the beginning

ZhiMing snorted and I laughed at his exasperated expression.

BaYi: You guys have been together five years? Most of us here are just months old in their relationships. Whats the secret?

Qing: He already told you. Don't beat each other. Don't cheat on each other. Respect your partner's parents and be nice to their friends. That's it.

Antoine: It couldn't be that simple.

Jin: (chuckling) You bet it is not simple. I live just a block from them and I feel the energy shifting in our neighborhood when they are fighting.

ZhiMing: I live on the other side of the city and I can smell their frustration on each other when they are fighting.

LiPin: (giggling) Oh, are we talking about the distance of our home to theirs? I live hundreds of miles away from them and I can hear Dayu's resignation over Qing's stubbornness. And vice versa.

People chuckled at that. Qing and I just rolled our eyes at them.

Me: (looking at Qing) They are not complaining, right? I mean, we help them when they are having problems about their baby or honey or sweetheart. I know some of their secrets.

Qing: (smirking) They don't know fear. You should give it to them, Love.

Me: Nah. I keep secrets well.

Jin and LiPin breathed easier at that.

Yao: But truly if you could give one advise, just one, so we'll know the other person is serious about the relationship. What is it?

LaLa: Yeah, I want to hear that.

I looked at her. Then I shrugged.

Me: The other person is into your relationship if they care about you. If they care enough to know you and who you are. If they are listening as you speak and if they are learning how to love you.

Silence met my words. Antoine shook his head.

Antoine: I don't understand. You are saying simple words yet I know they have deep meanings.

Qing: (sighing) No. They don't have deep meanings. That's just it. What Dayu said. If the other person cares enough to know you: what you like, what you don't like, what makes you happy, sad or angry...they are into you. If they are learning you, that means they want to love you right. And if they want to love you right, that means they want to stay...for a long time. Or be part of your life, in any capacity. As friends or lovers.

Me: What he said. Man, if the other person is not even asking your favorite food or cares enough to say your hair is messy, leave their ass behind. They are not worth the time. Some people could be slow, but it actually doesn't take much time to sit down together and talk. Sometimes, Qing and I will just lounge on the couch and talk about things that won't change the world. Those moments when he is talking about his favorite shirt, that means the world to me. Because he is sharing a part of him with me.

Qing: (chuckling) Those little things that only I know. Those are the things that makes you mine.

LiPin: Oh, I love those lyrics on that song.

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