61; the secret of the beast

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Hanji was quick to call over Eren and the rest in Erwin's office afterward.

Knowing that everything had progressed this much in a short time period since 104th trainee corps entered the corps was all according to a divine intervention was still ridiculous for Hanji.

She had always disagree with religion and believe that science has all the answers if one search hard.

To think religion has the questions to answer the mystery of otherwordly...

This conflicts with everything she believed in.

A woman loyal to science was to blindly follow a life ruled by celestial figments and expect everything to set in place.

The maddening thing is that it made complete sense, but it was a conclusion she didn't want to end with.

"Xyra, listen..." Hanji started but no words got out of her. It was too late to tell her. The guilt already grew to a boulder, weighing her back.

She wanted to confess, but this carefully built trust between them will collapse the moment she does.

"You must never tell Xyra about her birth." Claude told them nearly 6 years ago.

It was the first time they saw the face of Xyra's last remaining relative. Even Erwin wouldn't believe Claude exists if not for the rare telephone calls inquiring about Xyra.

"Wait," Hanji started, "why do we have to keep Xyra's real age?"

"Hiding Xyra's age is my uncle and auntie's last protection for her, and I will use that to our advantage. Albus will never know that Louise gave birth to a child until it's too late. This will get us several steps ahead even in the future."

"Are you seriously saying that we should actively lie to Xyra about everything? You're all she left now! She believe that her family died that night and it's killing the girl everyday!" Erwin and Mike quickly held her back after spranging up from her seat and hitting the table.

Claude didn't flinch even once as if he expected this outburst. "We are fighting a common and much bigger enemy here, Hanji Zoe. Humanity has a chance to be free if we get this right. Isn't this what you all are dying for?"

He glanced at Erwin with a chagrin. "Especially you, Erwin Smith. Isn't your guilt driven ambition to clean your uncle's name the reason why you are pitting your life here in the first place?"

Erwin's expression didn't twitch at the allegation, but Hanji and Mike visibly paled hearing it.

Claude grinned self satisfactoringly. "We have different reasons of doing things, but we are here because we have one common goal.

Just like the reason why Erwin kept his reason a secret is the same for Xyra. Keeping it simple for the child is better for her sake."

Claude stood up and fixed the gray top hat to his head. "We'll meet again once Xyra reaches eighteen. That's when everything will fall in place."

"How can you be so sure? There's no telling what will happen in the future." Erwin finally speak up. He never expected such personality behind the person he was talking on the phone.

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