11; duty

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"Armin."I jumped in front of a dazed Armin, shaking his body to snap him out."What the fuck happened here?"I demanded.

"Xyra, what happened?"Connie asked worriedly as he dropped down with his squad behind him."Where's your squad?"He asked confusely, looking around him.

"I don't know. I just arrived here with Armin alone like this."I stated, placing my hand in my forehead as I paced around. I just had to fucking leave them alone in the right moment.

Connie crouched in front of Armin, shaking him."Armin, snap out of it."Connie exclaimed in frustration.

Armin blinked, furrowing his eyebrows as he glanced around us in confusion.

"What happened to everyone?"I asked Armin, placing my hands down on my hips."You were alone when I regroup back."

Armin suddenly gasp as the events rushed back in his mind. He screamed as he grabbed his hair in frustration."Why didn't I do anything?"Armin yelled out in regret.

"What are you talking about, Armin?"Connie asked skeptically, trying to calm Armin down as he continues to insult himself.

Slowly I understand the situation. It's pretty obvious actually, I didn't want to believe the signs. My eyes turned colder as I masked my emotions. I've made a terrible mistake again and it cost a person's life.

"Forget it, Connie. It's pretty obvious."I said blankly. My voice even feel so empty just like my face."They didn't make it."

"What are you saying, Xyra? That they're dead. Eren wouldn't let himself die like that."Connie said in disbelief.

"Might be, but maybe he sacrificed himself. Eren is still a human, his feelings are irrelevant to death."Armin winced at my words as he looked down in self pity.

I knew it.

I glanced away as I let Ymir to insult Armin, telling him how Eren and the others die in vain just for a weakling like him. It's a good thing for him to wake him up in his old self.

"Stop it, you two."Christa stated, getting in between the two as the verbal fight slowly turned to a physical fight.

"Everyone's just panicking. Our friends are all dying instantly, it's only natural."Christa stated in defense.

I scoffed before looking down at Armin one last time. I tsked before releasing my grappling hooks, searching for some titans away from the group to release some pent up anger.

I was slashing titans here and there when a loud commotion at the city's gate can be heard. I sped up, landing in front of the crowd. I saw a Garrison soldier being pushed forward by the towns peoples to fat merchant. What can a mere soldier do to a monster?

The plump buffalo leaned his chubby face at the guy indignantly."Who do you think gave you all this food to eat?"He asked mockingly."Help me push this cargo, who worth more than you can do in your whole pathetic lives."He shouted, pointing his hands at them.

"Hey fat man."I called out, silencing everybody."Why are people still here?"I asked, raising my eyebrow at the fat merchant.

He looked at me up and down before he's gaze rested on my jacket."Mind your own business kid, go slash some titans and protect my goods."

I smirked, walking toward the huge wagon."Really this goods?"I asked, sliding my finger over the sack of potatoes."You want me to protect this?"

The fat man nodded eagerly, fishing out his wallet."Yes! just name your price."

I smirked menacingly."I knew it. You people are all the same."I kicked the wagon brutally, creating a huge dent in the side. The wagon rattled for a second before the wheels gave out, spilling every content inside.

"What are you-"

A loud shake from the ground suddenly sounded, cutting the annoying jitter of the merchant. I stared impassively as an aberrant suddenly appeared running toward us.

The people began to panic, pushing and trampling anyone for their own safety. The elite troops followed the aberrant behind but the distance is impossible to reach.

I ran toward it, releasing my cord as I unsheathe my blade, spinning rapidly while slashing the aberrant's neck.

Everybody stared at the scene in shock as I wiped the blood of my face, wrinkling my eyebrows in disgust."Disgusting."I growled out kicking the titan's eye. The eye flew out of it's skull, creating a dent on a building.

Mikasa landed beside me staring at people in confusion."My comrades are offering their lives to evacuate this people and yet they are still here?"

"It's only natural. Your duty is to offer your lives and protect us civilians and our wealth."The fat man stated obnoxiously.

"You fat gluttonic dickhead-"I snarled before Mikasa hold me back.

"Don't get to cocky after you emerged out of 100 years of uselessness."He shouted back.

"That's the last straw."I growled out, ripping Mikasa's hand off me."You aren't there to see your comrade die just to protect you. You don't know how frustrating it is to be late every damn time!"I marched off in front of fat merchant, gripping his collar tightly pulling him up.

He grunted as he squirmed out of my death grip. I didn't budge as I glared at him menacingly."Let them go."

"I'll tell your boss what you're doing to me."He threatened me. Two guys suddenly surrounds us with swords in their hands. I raised my eyebrow at them before pushing the boss to the side. I grabbed the nearest one kicking him in the gut with my knees. The second guy immediately charged toward me, I glared at him before jumping in his shoulder grabbing his arm and twisting it. I kicked his knees causing him to kneel in pain.

"What can a cold corpse tell a person?"I asked darkly, pointing my blade at his face."I'll ask one last time. Let them go."

He grunted, holding his hand out."Pull the cart out."He glared at me.

People rushed inside as the cart was successfully pulled out."Thank you, Ms. Tornado."A little girl asked brightly.


I frowned at her."How do you know?"I asked, crouching in front of her.

She tucked a strand of loose green hair inside my wig."I saw you once riding your horse with the wings of freedom."She beamed brightly before holding her mother's hand, walking away with the mass of people.

"See I told you tornado is real."She chatters innocently at her mother.

I stared at her fondly before turning back, walking toward Mikasa."You did well."Mikasa stated.

I shrugged before staring at the inkly gray sky. Rain pelted lightly on my skin."It's our duty after all."

Humanitys' Strongest Weapon (Shingeki no Kyojin fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now