39; miss xyra.

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We thankfully reached the end of the long hallway without facing another major problem. I'll probably leave them in this dark creepy hallway if they started another fiasco.

They're all a handful.

The air started to get easy to breathe in instead of the musky smell of being buried for quite a time without exposure to good ventilation.

"Gosh, everybody's dropping like flies these days." I scoffed.

"I'm really sorry, Miss Xyra!" Jin stammered, bowing deeply. He still looked shaken up 'cause he's been subconsciously brushing his sleeves and hair the rest of the way.

"Why call Xyrie 'Miss', Jinnie? You're in squad Hanji now! Every member of squad Hanji is a friend of Xyrie~" Hanji cheered, slinging her arm around Jin.

"I take it everybody's energy deficit; dropping like flies these days." I sighed,"be sure to eat variety of nutrient rich foods not just proteins."

"Hai!" Jin exclaimed shyly. Others just sighed since it's usual for me to nag especially members from Hanji's squad. They caught on Hanji's carelessness most of the time.

"Xyrie~ such a tsundere~ why don't you show this side to our dearly beloved Captain too?"She engulfed me in a tight bear hug, rubbing her cheeks affectionately on me.

"Go die, Hanji." I brushed her off, walking ahead of them.

"How much more time do we have left, Krisha?" I asked, staring at the filigree markings at the edge of the large double oak door.

"10 more minutes."

"Huh? There's no knob or key hole?" Hanji pointed out. Jacob tried ramming it but it didn't even budge. It's like pushing a wall to no avail.

"There's definitely something behind this door. I can feel the air." Jacob crouched down, patting the gap below the door.

"It's now or never; either we acquire that flower or not, we got to finish what we started." I stated, earning a nervous but eager nod by them. The door glowed a dull green once I put it under my command. It give off a loud deafening creak and the door opened slowly.

Behind the double doors was something directly out of a story book. It's perplexing for such room to exist just to be locked away from humanity for years. I don't know if its to protect some sacred rituals that the herbalists kept or something far more greater than any ancient myths.

I can't help but to also gasped as we poured inside the fairly large room. The room was brightly lit because of the flowery stained glass panes above. It's obviously untouched far more than three years.

Dead leaves scatter on the floor with remnants of broken dusty pots lined on the long mahogany table. There's also pots with withered plants hanging on the ceiling. What made the room mesmerizing was the antique feeling once you lay your eyes on the room.

"I think nobody had been here for a long time. It was just here hidden." Jacob stated, wiping the dusty spot with his finger.

"Levi's going to throw a hissy fit once he saw this." Hanji snickered in mirth.

"He'll already go insane at the botanical garden." I sneered, imagining Levi's distress comically.

"You think they're waiting for a specific person to find this room?"

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