03; chicacchironi and albert

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I scrambled groggily out of my bed to the sound of Hanji's voice shouting outside my door.

Even in the morning this bitch had to ruin my sleep?

"Wake up, you sleepy head!"Hanji shouted, banging on the door loudly."C'mon I need your help for my experiment."

I bolted up from my sleeping position, looking at the door in confusion. Suddenly yesterdays event rushed back, creating a searing pain in my temple. Right, the expedition and the capturing operation.

Shaking the dizziness that partially blinded my vision. I trudged my way to the door, opening the door harshly."What the fuck do you want?"I growled out, scratching my wild mass of green tousled hair. She fucking knows how Xyra in the morning is more dangerous than Xyra the rest of the day.

Hanji lost her footing and collapsed on the floor in front of my feet. She looked up, smiling sheepishly at the sight of my cold glare."Good morning Xyrie~"Hanji waved, dusting off imaginary dust from her white jeans."Fancy meeting you in your cute pajamas."She took a glance down at my light blue pajamas with strawberries and berries chuckling lightly.

My face must have resembled a shit right now with my everyday wild hair sticking up in every angle, creating a curly mess of green hair. And don't get me started on the bags under my eyes.

"You look like shit."She pointed out bluntly before her eyes widen, cupping her mouth quickly with her hand."I'm sor-"

I gave her a blank look, slamming the door in her face."Stupid people in the morning are annoying."I grumbled as I crawled inside my covers, wrapping myself like a cocoon.

I slowly began drifting off to sleep when Hanji again disturb my sleep twice.

My eyes snapped open, gritting my teeth at the sound of Hanji's screaming. Fucking calm yourself Xyra before you act ape shit to this piece of shit.

"Xyrie, I'm sorry for insulting your pajamas. Please open the door."Hanji pleaded desperately, banging on the door."I'll give you anything you want. You can even using my laboratory."


I paused as I thought about what she said. Erwin had forbidden me from entering Hanji's laboratory after some numerous failed experiments that almost burned down the entire HQ, ever since then they became more cautious whenever I step inside Hanji's room, fearing that my own experiments might be more dangerous than my own powers. Those prissy cowards can't even handle toxic fumes.

I might regret this later but sleep is a necessity in life and nothing can get my ass out of this paradise.

"No."I stated simply, turning my back on the other side."Leave me alone."I stated groggily.

"Please Xyrie, I'll give you my permission to use my laboratory for one week."She bargained. She thought I would give in to that offer.

I glared daggers at the person leaning on my door. Wishing for somekind of power to mute that big mouth of hers. Sadly, I don't have that blessed ability."Leave me alone, you shitty-glasses. Bother Moblit or Erwin to help you."I stated annoyed at her constant nagging.

"But Xyrie..."She whined,"Erwin is busy doing boring commander duties and Moblit is kidnapped by Levi to be his one-day assistant. So I need you to fill in his position."

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