"Do you need anything, ma'am?"

You froze at the familiar voice, turning behind you to see the tall man in blue scrubs, looking at you with his mouth quirked up in a little smile, those familiar brown eyes staring straight into yours. You were on a sequestered part of the floor; it was unlikely someone would walk by and see you. You should be reaching for your gun, you should be saying something, anything into the earpiece to signal that you needed help, needed someone because you couldn't do this alone.

"N- no, I'm alright," you stammered. But the look on your face must have given it away.

"Are you sure?" He was grinning now. He took a step towards you and you knew you should take a step back but you were frozen in place.

"What, cat got your tongue?"

He laughed, and you heard Hotch through your earpiece, asking for updates from everyone. And then the tall man drew a gun from his waistband and pointed it at you. You couldn't even draw your gun. Not that it would matter. You couldn't really move your left hand because it was still in the cast, much less support a gun in your hand. You knew how to shoot single-handedly, but you didn't think you'd be fast enough.

"I know I should have put a bullet in your brain a long time ago, but I think that seeing the look on your face right now makes up for it completely."

You wished you could say something back, but it felt like you were stuck to the ground. Your brain was panicked and yet calm at the same time. Was this how you were going to die? Alone in the middle of a hospital hallway? How ironic. You knew you should move, should say something, anything, keep him talking, distracted, but all you could do was look at his eyes, his face, that disgusting smile he wore because all you could really think about was what he had done to you. He leveled the gun at your head.

"This was honestly worth the wait."

You heard a gunshot and you ducked instinctively, trying to get out of the way. Then there was screaming, and you looked up from the floor to see the tall man rolling around on the ground, his blood pooling all over the floor from a gunshot wound to the leg. Hotch and Morgan moved forward to restrain him, and you watched silently from the ground as Spencer put his gun back in his holster. Judging from the absolutely murderous expression on his face, you would have bet money that he was the one who fired the shot.

Suddenly Rossi was next to you, helping you up off the floor. How did he get over here so fast? He was asking you questions that you barely heard. There was so much commotion; patients exiting their rooms, nurses running around trying to calm everyone down, Hotch shouting at everyone to get back into their rooms. But you paid none of that any mind. You were too distracted by the dark red blood on the ground that was getting smeared and tracked onto the white linoleum tiles.

That was almost you.


You were now on lockdown with the girls in Emily's room. Emily was somehow still out cold, so it was just you and JJ awkwardly sitting there beside her. The two of you had barely spoken since you'd gotten back other than the phone call you'd had earlier. The air was thick with tension. She had asked you if you were okay and that was it. You weren't sure how long it was before she spoke to you again.

"Do you remember Jason Gideon?"

Her words brought you out of your reverie.

"Vaguely... didn't he leave a few years ago?"

"Yes. When he left, he didn't tell anyone. It was a few days before anyone went to check on him. Spencer went. Gideon left him a note personally because he knew Spencer would be the first one to go looking. Gideon just... took off on some road trip, and that was it. He never came back."

Annoyance (Spencer Reid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now