Dorm Fairies

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Diamond Crown Academy has vice dorm leaders but unlike Night Raven College they are NOT students.

They are called the Dorm Fairies. They are fairies who don't have a permanent form. They change their appearance based on the preferences of the current dorm leader.

They have been in the academy since it was built, so they are very wise and knowledgeable, and they have worked with plenty of dorm leaders in their years.

Each one has a fairy house located in the area in or near the dorm, dorm fairies don't live in the large tree at the main campus like the others.

Dorm fairies may be small but they are able to cast powerful magic spells using magic glyphs at such high speed, it would also be difficult to target them due to their small size advantage. Though they don't cast offensive spells unless it's an emergency but that rarely happens at the academy. They mostly use magic to aid in dormitory maintenance and some of them play small, harmless pranks on unsuspecting students and even staff.

Their appearance ties in with the fairy forming a bond when the dorm leader is appointed, the fairies form is decided through the girl's image they want to be perceived or childhood mementos that they cherish.

Dorm fairies honed their magic powers, becoming stronger overtime and learning new spells and hexes. Small spells are seen as sparkling glitter that only show up for a second before disappearing while their stronger spells come in the form of magic circles. The magic circles have sigils and patterns reminiscent of the dorm, the color also corresponds to the dorm.

Due to their bond with the dorm leader, a small portion of their power is shared through the bond so the dorm leader can use a few of their spells but it burns so much energy that it'll cause the magic gem to blot faster. So, the spells are used as a last resort for emergencies.

Each of the Dorm Fairies appearances can be seen in the page with information of the dorm they are vice leaders of, since QueenSharotto would rather show you the dorm they're affiliated with.

Diamond Crown Academy EncyclopediaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora