Ottilie's Family and Confidants

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Ottilie's Family
Ignacio Phosia (イグナシオ・フォシア)
Ottilie's father with a fascination of numbers and the mathematics professor. His study is sectioned with a certain number of items if you paid close attention. He is very meticulous with the number of items in his study and doesn't like it if someone tries to move stuff in it, so he cleans the room by himself and doesn't allow anyone to enter without his permission. He manages the house budget and finances due to his number obsession; he is the best to consult when it comes to counting anything. Quite a friendly fellow though his eccentric antics makes things awkward. He pays no attention to what people say about him but his face gets really scary when his family is dragged into this, he can and will out them on the number of failures and mistakes someone makes with just a few minutes of research. He simply adores his daughter and loves to send her gifts she likes, though the gifts come in odd or even numbers in the content. Usually its fragrance bottles, herbs in bottles or even caterpillar eggs. Ignacio has his own rules but most of it just relates to his study room, it's his personal space and the entire household should know to respect it, which his family didn't mind and they understand.

Calix Phosia (カリックス・フォシア)
Ottilie's mother who is the philosophy professor. She fell for Ignacio and his whimsical ways because he didn't approach her to be flirtatious, but to discuss the interesting concept of having a certain number of creampuffs in his plate. She found it so amusing and so absurd that she fell for him right away. She easily got used to her husband's mannerisms and would always remind the servants and her daughter about the rules of entering his study. She was the one who gifted Ottilie the pipette, her husband suggested that they make one for her when he noticed that Ottilie collected about 50 empty perfume bottles in her vanity drawer.
She likes to read poems to her daughter instead of the usual bedtime story, that's where Ottilie got her whimsical thoughts and speech. Calix is very open-minded and would give the best advice, though someone might need to read into philosophy to properly understand it.
She is a very calm and collected woman who expresses with her eyes, she is not fond of anyone making a fool out of her husband or daughter and will send a chilling glare at anyone who dares.

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