Elu's Family and Confidants

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Elu's Family
Mato Sorrel (マト・ソレル)
Twisted From: Chief Powhatan from Pocahontas
Elu's father and the chief of their village, he is a large bear beastman who is strong enough to carry about five pine logs. He is having trouble with the businessmen who try to trespass their land and try to trick him into signing a 'beneficial' contract, he refuses every time because he didn't have the opportunity to gain outside knowledge. He isn't narrow-minded to think that outsiders are greedy but he just hopes that his daughter will be able to handle herself in the academy and hopefully bring an end to the trespassers.

Alo Sorrel (アロ・ソレル)
Elu's older brother who is 23 years old. Alo has a weak constitution so he isn't able to hunt or participate in activities involving strength, he chooses to help the village to advance economically while keeping the environment in mind. He often sends letters to Elu to inform her what has been happening in the village. He feels guilty that he can't do much to prevent trespassers from walking all over their homeland due to his weak body.

Elu's Confidants

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