Subjects and Clubs

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The following subjects are thought at Diamond Crown Academy:

Basic Classes:
Magic History - The study of the historical figures of the academy and the histories throughout the years.

Incantations - Verbal spells that require learning a specific language while waving the magic pen in a certain pattern.

Basic Etiquette - The study of proper manners, posture and communication.

Ancient Rune Reading - The study of ancient writing and spells that are cast through magic rune stones.

Animal Linguistics - The study of animal language, and conversing with animals.

Music - Theater and musical performances.

Alchemy - Minerals, plants and many other ingredients are fused to create something entirely new.

General Magic - Magical spells for offense and defense as well as spell breakers and minor hexes.

Study of Magical Relics - The study of old relics and the identification of their history and uses.

PE Subjects:
Fencing/Sword Fighting - There is various swords used as well as various sword-handling.

Obstacle Run - The tracks are set with magic traps and obstacles that students need to overcome.

Derby Racing - Horseback racing.

Magical Shift/Maglift - Using magic to throw discs towards a goal.

Griffin Disc - Riding griffins while having to chase a gold disc and place it on the team's catching net.

Martial Arts - Taekwondo, Judo and many other physical combat activities.

Marathon Run - Running a set amount of kilometers.

Side Note: If a student does feel anxious then they're allowed to be excused, Actius dislikes forcing students to do physical activities if they feel uncomfortable. But since he is allowed to run the class however he wishes, he'll just have them write some papers regarding physical education as a substitute or maybe have them do light jogging instead.

Extra-Curricular Classes:
Animal Care - Basic study of caring for animals and identifying what they require.

Magical Beast Study - Study of magical beasts as well as taming them for the purpose of gathering information before they are released.

Party Hosting - Learning how to host an event.

Needlework and Jewelry - Sewing clothes and making accessories. The finished products are worn by the students.

Cultural Dance - Dance to different cultures.

Art - Study of art and any form be it, sculpture, painting, metalwork and many more.

Ballroom Dance - Learning the steps of the waltz and many other dances performed by nobles.

Theater Club - Stage plays performed by students, the club expects a lot from their members to deliver their roles to utmost perfection. Allison and Evonie are members of this club.

Horse Grooming Club - The horses are used for the derby but also performance. So this club focuses on taking care of the horses as well as training them to do tricks. Ella is a member of this club.

Griffin Scout Club - The griffins are ridden to forests and the students do the scout activities such as recognizing carvings to mark directions. There's also scout cookie sales where they train griffins to deliver packages of cookies to customers. Elu and Briar are members of this club. (For more information about this club, view below)

Gardening Research Club - Planting rare species or mixing seeds to see what plant will grow. Vidya is a member of this club.

Volleyball Club - It's volleyball. You smack a ball, also you get hand strength to slap the soul out of someone.

Chess Club - Students play a battle of wits and strategy.

Book Writers Club - Students write novels or short stories and present them during club meetings.

Comic Otaku Club - Fangirling over 2D boys or girls and having the waifu and husbando wars.

Fairy Keeping Club - A club for making sure that the fairies on campus are given proper treatment, such as treating broken wings, keeping their homes clean as well as learning about the body language of fairies.

Magical Artworks Club - Students paint with enchanted brushes to create moving portaits. Rozeline is a member of this club.

Roleplay Game Club - The students play, Dragons and Maidens (Author's note: This is likely Twisted Wonderland's version of Dungeons and Dragons) and sometimes play the game while wearing a costume of their avatar. Perrine and Cerule are members of this club.

Aviary Club - Bird watching, as well as bird keeping are the clubs main activities. Jinlong is a member of this club.

Asher Vs. Florence Club - A secret club made by Faustus. Only those who know the password are allowed to join. The password asks if you prefer the color pink or blue.

Griffin Scout Club (Additional Information):
Griffin Scouts is a club that was the idea of Actius. He manages the club activities and schedules, and he also manages the griffins used for the scouting team.

The griffins are not like horses, they have a more high standard when it comes to people riding them. Only senior members of the club who has earned a number of badges to receive their senior badge could only ride griffins. Elu and Briar are two of the few who have senior badges. No one owns the griffins, they are called in the summer and autumn for the scout club activities and when winter rolls in, Actius lets them go to migrate to a warmer climate.

Novice scouts are the ones who have to get community service badges, expert scouts have to survive in the wilderness and learn secret codes and symbols to get badges and become senior scouts when they have a certain number of badges and have completed the griffin test. It's when the scout stands a meter away from a griffin flock and have a griffin approach them and offer them a feather as a sign of mutual respect and that they are a worthy rider.

Actius is still stern but a bit more hands on with his teaching, he will show the students how to properly tie a certain rope knot or how to pitch a tent. Even the griffin scout cookie sale was also being taught by him, his cookie recipe is to die for.

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