Chapter Twenty-Five: Second Chances

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Snow buried Mid City under a canopy of white.

The weather forecast had set the expected date of snowfall a week ahead. Some had their winter combat gear within reach and went on merrily with their lives.

Noah's mind had regarded the danger of snow with indifference. He'd gone back to campus for his backpack when his boss wouldn't be around. Jelani, however, was there and hammered question after question as to why he was giving up his job. He'd either evaded answers or told twisted truths. The genuine answer had been that he would no longer need the job. He planned to move on.

When the snowstorm did hit, Noah had been sleeping on the hard moth-eaten plywood of an abandoned squat. There were regulars there who got high, drunk, or had sex. They paid Noah no attention and he was oblivious during his slumber. In retrospect, he might've fainted. When he regained consciousness he was at the back of a car.

There was a net separating the backseat from the driver and passenger seat, which were occupied by two men in identical uniforms.

Noah's sluggish mind tried to alert him that they were at the back of a police car. He cleared his throat. "C-can I leave?"

The officer, a young man in his early thirties, replied without looking over his shoulder. "You gave us a proper scare, kid. You got someone we could call?"

"If you could let me off here..." He doubled over in a coughing fit.

The men did not let up and continued punching information in their walkie-talkie. The storm was getting worse. It rained. Then stopped. Rained again. Snowed again. By the time the officers walked Noah to the station, his teeth were chattering so bad they were the only sound he could hear. It muted the ruffle of phone calls and men in different uniforms and matching badges.

He knew he should be trying to escape to negotiate, to understand if he was under arrest for breaking and entering. Instead, his limbs were too stiff, it was a chore to hold onto the belongings protected inside his backpack. He was set on a bench in an open space office instead of a jail cell and a blanket of coarse wool that smelled of dried beer was thrown around his shoulders. There were more questions.

Who are you?

Do you need medical care?

Is there someone we could call?

With shaking hands, Noah took out his sketchbook. He showed the officer Malik's number.

" f-fri...end." Noah stuttered. His damn teeth wouldn't stop chattering.

"Call him to pick you up, yeah? Just hand in there." The officer said.

He held himself up and talked to hurt to him...

Head against the wall, he succumbed to sleep. He thought he saw Pink and Gold filling out paperwork in the station but when he came round the second time, Malik had magically appeared. He was clad in his usual skin-tight sportswear, a waterproof blue coat, and black snow boots. Malik chatting with a scowl on his face to one of the officers who'd picked him up.

"Oh my god," Malik's polite smile disappeared. "You look awful."

"Thank you for coming." Noah folded the station's blanket and Malik held out a heavily padded black jacket. "I don't nee—"

"Put it on," Malik said in a harsh command and thrust the jacket in Noah's direction.

A bemused look flashed across the officer's face. "It's still snowing. I'd listen to your boyfriend."

"We're not together," Noah protested.

"He doesn't listen." Malik countered.

Noah frowned and obeyed. The jacket was surprisingly a decent fit. His stiff fingers, however, struggled to pinch to get the caps buttons to snap shut. Malik brushed Noah's clumsy fingers to make way for his. He tightened the fabric of the coat around Noah and even through the thick fabric, Noah was acutely aware of Malik's firm hands roaming over his upper body.

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