Chapter Four: Leads

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"Whoa, dude."

Jude held a small, yet from the glint of the blade, sharp knife. The situation had escalated at the speed of light.

"I just wanna talk."

Jude slashed the air.

"Get away from me," Jude said, his eyes a mixture of fear and rage.

A twig snapped under Malik's foot, and Jude made another slashing motion with the weapon.

"We're both tired," Malik said, "And if we run around with a knife, someone might see us. Then we'll get in trouble."

Jude looked around. The park was too quiet. With the marathon done, the crowd had gone to the other side, where an opening band busted out electric guitar tunes. It could be heard from where they stood.

"Okay," Malik said, "so maybe no one will see or hear us."

Jude's hand faltered at Malik's words. He lowered the knife.

"You're right," Jude agreed." There is no point in running."

To Malik's horror, Jude raised the knife to his own throat.

What happened next was a blur. Malik launched himself at the boy, aiming for the weapon. While slim, Jude's kicks were impressive. He gave Malik several as they both went down in the moss-ridden grass. Jude had the knife in a death grip. It seemed impossible to pry it out of his hand, so Malik resorted to pressing his thumb on Noah's delicate wrist. Jude gasped, turning pale from the pain until he let go. Malik would've let him up—if he hadn't tried to go for the knife again.

"Will you —"

Malik yelped in surprise when Jude used his hips, throwing him off, coming up on top. He tried to get up, but Malik grabbed his foot, sending him down again. They tumbled and thrashed in a frenzy of struggling limbs and grunts. By far, Jude was turning out to be the wildest boy he'd ever met.

When Malik ended up on top of him and pinned Jude's hands behind his back, the boy freaked out. Jude's writhing body suddenly went still. His breath came out in shallow pants. Malik heard something like sawdust clogging his lungs every time he tried to breathe.

"Shit." Malik slid ungracefully off him.

He rolled Jude to his side, half lifting, half dragging him into a sitting position. His skin was too pale, eyes dilated. Malik doubted he saw anything.

"Come on, dude. Breathe."

"I can't," Jude rasped.

Malik tried to remember what he could about panic attacks while praying to God he hadn't given the poor dude a heart attack.

He forced Jude's head between his knees, keeping him in place with one hand while the other moved to the nape of his neck. Malik applied pressure and loosened tight knots. Jude's shoulders responded to the firm yet gentle massage, the tension easing bit by bit.

"Easy now," Malik said. "You're okay. You're safe. Everything is okay."

Jude let out a soft whimper, swaying as a wave of shudders coursed through him.

The sound nearly broke Malik's heart.

Whatever this guy was going through, Malik had no right to bring it to the surface.

He watched Jude shiver. The sun began sinking below the horizon while the wind picked up.

Malik untied his sweater from around his waist.

"I want you to wear this," he said to Jude, who still had his head between his knees. "You're gonna have to help me, though."

Jude gritted his teeth as he lifted his head. His hair was a mess, with bits of dried leaves and debris clinging to them. Malik placed the black sweater on the boy's shoulder and Jude, with his help, looped his arms through the sleeves.

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