Chapter 28 : Girls Night

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After rescuing the prisoners, we head back to the castle of lions deciding to keep them there and get them transported to a rebel base in the morning. Roben, Iloe and Hexon would also be going back. Turns out the castle wasn't that far away because we where there in a matter of hours– Or varga's or whatever.

We are let into one of the hanger bays by Coran. Matt takes everyone to their rooms and I decide to head to the rec room to see the Paladins. The doors slide open and a few heads look up to see me. Lance's face lights up. "(Y/n)!" He brings everyone's attention to me.

I wave and attempt to walk over to the lounge, but not before I am rammed with a hug from Lance and soon Hunk. "I'm glad you didn't get hurt." The yellow Paladin spoke.

I carelessly wave my hand. "Pfft, as if anyone could hurt me," I joke.

Shiro raises an eyebrow at me. Surprisingly he's not going crazy, looking over my body for injuries or reminded me that I'm not invincible and need to be carefully. He just gives me an amused look.

"So, what are we doing today?" I ask, deciding to move on.

Pidge shrugs. "Allura said we can have a break day."

"Cool," I smile, looking around at everyone. Well almost everyone. "Where's Keith?"

Everyone's seem a bit surprised. As if I should already know. Hunk speaks up, "he left for a blades mission..." he trails off rubbing the back of his neck. "He didn't tell you?"

I shake my head and hear Lance curse under his breath at Keith. "Things have been awkward," I sigh, suddenly feeling a lot less cheery then before.

Lance walks up and puts an arm around my shoulders. "Let's not dwell on that mullet head," he says, "why don't we do something fun." As he speaks Matt and the others enter the room. "All of us."

• • •

It started off as truth or dare, but ended up as us all just talking and watching Lance do dumb stuff. I know he was just doing them to cheer me up, which is probably why I may have got a bit annoyed at Matt when he criticised Lance.

"Come on Lance, stop being so dumb," he says, as Lance tries to impersonate Allura talking with the mice. Luckily Allura had just left to see if Coran needed any help.

Lance looks up at Matt briefly before sagging his shoulder and looking down defeated. "Hey!" I snap at Matt, "leave him alone. Beside, I found it quiet funny."

Lance looks up at me in gives me a small smile, in which I quickly return. We soon began talking about past mission we had each had and all the cool things we and done on them.

Though as the day went on, Lance and Matt continued to fight. They were both terrible at insulting each other, but it was starting to get quite annoying. "What is wrong with those boys," Pidge mumbles, obviously fed up.

"I really don't want to listen to it any longer," Iloe comments.

Allura shoots up from where she was sitting. "What... what if we don't. Let's have a girls night!" she smiles.

Iloe Ooo's in agreement, while Pidge's face turns into one of digust. "Yuck, you mean like nail polish and that stuff?" I nod, not keen on the idea either.

"Please," Allura begs, "it will be fun. I promise."

The noise of the boy gets louder and Pidge sighs. "Ok, let's do this." Allura then drag me and Pidge out of the room with Iloe running behind excitedly.

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