Chapter 16 : They're Gone

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The battle was finally over. Now, I am running to the hanger to check on Shiro. The black lions mouth opens and I run up into the cock pit. "Shiro!" I call worried. Shiro was almost like a brother to me. Not to mention he was actually (Y/n)'s brother and who knows what she would do if something happened to him.

Entering I found the pilots chair empty. "Shiro?" The rest of the Paladins join me staring in surprised at the sights. I turn to the rest of the Paladins with a shocked face.

Walking out of the lion, with the others following silently behind me, I stop in front of Allura, Kolivan and Coran. "What happened. Did you defeat Hagar?" Lance asks. "Where's (Y/n)?"

Allura looked down sadly. Widening my eyes, I began to panick. "Hagar's druids... killed Antok." Allura pauses, looking up at me. "And took (Y/n). I'm so sorry."

I step back, my heart seems to drop to my stomach. How could they take her. "No!" I shout. "No we have to go back for her. And Shiro we have to find them." I began to leave, but Lance puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Keith..." He says softly. I narrow my eyes at him, moving his hand of me.

"We can't. There's no way. It would be suicidal." Allura argues.

I open my mouth to speak, but Kolivan interrupts. "The princess is right." He says.

I feel like throwing up. This can't be happening. Allura gives me a sympathetic look, but I don't look back. Instead I storm out of the hanger, leaving the Paladins behind. I can feel tears threatening to leave my eyes, but I hold them back. I have to be strong.

I walk off to my room. I would find Shiro and I would rescue (Y/n). There was no way I was leaving her with those monsters.


I woke up, rubbing my head. "What's going on." I mumble. Looking around, everything is pretty dark. "Hello?" I ask.

No reply. Slowly, I remember the familiar environment in front of me. "Oh no." I groan.

A large Galra soldier walks up to my cell, opening the door. He smirks. "Hello there."

I roll my eyes trying to ignore him. He snarls and walks up to my. "Aren't you going to greet me girl?" He asks.

I scoff. "No."

Glaring at me, he kicks me across the floor. "Listen here you. Your going to be here a while. Don't count on Voltron to find you anytime soon."

I sit up, glaring back at him. "Don't worry. I got out before. I'll get out again." I retort.

He smiles. "Oh yeah. I heard about that. Well, I don't think Hagar's going to let you guys go as easily this time." With that the Galra walks out of my cell, giving me one last evil look, before he disappears.

I jump to my feet and run up to the door of my cell. "Oh yeah! Well! Well!" I shout after him shaking my fist. My voice trails off and I sigh. "Yeah... I'll just go sit back down." I wonder back over to lean on the wall and slide down it.

My mind begins to wonder, thinking through what could happened to me. I shake my head. No. No, Voltron will find me.


I could tell the team was struggling. With loosing Shiro and (Y/n) missing they weren't doing well. Pidge was always on her computer, looking to see which ship (Y/n) was being kept on. We had no idea we're Shiro was. Lance didn't talk as much, but he tried to crack a joke every now and then. Hunk spent his time in the kitchen.

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