Chapter 19 : Prince Lotor

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I'm flying around in the black lion again looking for (Y/n) and Shiro. I closed my eyes. Come on black. Help me find them. When I open them again, I push forward on the controls. I feel like I'm going the right way.

Flying the lion through large asteroids something appears in front of me. I narrow my eyes guiding red closer. As we approach I realise it looks to be a Galra pod. "Shiro...?"


I lay in the back of the Galra cell. I can hear Roben and Hexon talking quietly to each other. Hexon talks to me a bit more, but I feel like he still doesn't like me or doesn't trust me or something. Hagar has come to torture me a few times lately but strangely she didn't come yesterday and was yet to appear today.

I spoke to soon. I lift my head hearing someone open the door to myself. Two Galra soldier look down at me. Quickly I jump to my feet. "Zarkon wishes for your presence." One spoke.

I look at him confused. "Zarkon want what now?" Why did Zarkon want to see me.

Without an answer they come up and grab me. I don't bother trying to escape. I know what they would do if I try. But I don't just freely go with them. I fight back against there grin on my arms thought these Galra are a lot bigger then me and I didn't plan on actually getting free. I just didn't want to help them in anyway.

As they lead me through the hall, soon we approach a large door. It opens and they leader me in and through me to the ground. I get to my feet and turn to glare at them. "Leave us." A deep voice says to them.

I turn around to see a large Galra sitting on some kind of throne. His purple glowing eyes look down at me. Yep. Definitely evil.

This was the first time I had ever seen Zarkon in person and I have to admit he does look pretty scary. "Hello, young (Y/n)." He smirks.

"Umm, hello..." I don't really now how to respond to him.

"I thought we could talk." He states.

I frown. "Yeah. I'm not telling you anything." I fold my arm's defensively.

He shakes his head. "You will." The way he says it makes me uncomfortable. "You've made quiet the name for yourself haven't you (Y/n). The girl who escaped the Galra. The Graceful Saviour. Even an friend of Voltron."

I don't respond and glare at him. "You think you can get away from me. You have a Galra spirit (Y/n)." He stands up walking towards me. My eyes widen in fear. He was a lot taller then I thought. I take a step back as he raises a hand, grabbing my chin. "Yes. Very interesting."

This feels wrong. There's something wrong about all this. Zarkon should be dead. I thought Voltron beat him.

"W-what are you doing..?" I stutter. Suddenly everything goes black.

I sit up and gasp. Looking around I realise I'm still in the cell. "Just a dream." I breath.

"(Y/n), are you ok?" Roben asks.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." I look towards my cell door. "Hey, do you guys know what happened to Zarkon. Like, have you seen him around?"

Hexon is the one to respond. "Actually, he hasn't been at any of the gladiator fights. I've heard rumours that he's dead. Apparently his son had taken over."

"Who's his son?" I ask. Though my question is quickly answered.

"I am. Prince Lotor." At my cell door stands a very tall Galra looking male. Though he doesn't look fully Galra. His ears a pointed and he had lone white hair.

Two guards walk in grabbing me. Man, déjà vu much. They drag me through the halls and into the same room I was in, in my dream.

He walked up to the throne but doesn't sit on it. Instead he stands with his back to me. "Your a very interesting person (Y/n)."

I narrow my eyes. "Are you gonna come grab my face like in my dream?"

Lotor turns around and smirks. "Do you want me to show you affection

My eyes widen. "Ah! No." I say flustered.

He turns his whole body towards me. "While I'm flattered that you dreamed about me, I didn't think we had ever met?"

I frown. "I didn't dream about you." I say bluntly. "I dreamed about your father, Zarkon."

"My father?" Lotor narrows his eyes.

"Yeah. His soldiers dragged me to this very room and he began talking to me. He thought I was very interesting too." I look at up the young Galra.

Lotor glares down at me and begins to walk closer. He stands right in front of me and asks. "What else did he say?"

"Nothing really." I look him in the eyes. "Is Zarkon still alive?"

He steps back. "I'm afraid I'm not sure. The witch seems to not want to tell me. I assume he is just to injured or is on his way out of this existence."

"So why are you so interested in my dream." I say, confused and fold my arms.

"My father is a powerful being. Who knows what he's capable of." As he turned away from me he waves his hand. Two guards come back, grabbing me. "Until next time (Y/n)." Lotor says as I am taken out of the room.


It was great to have Shiro back. Though this was a part we were not looking forward too. Shiro had just come out of the pod and it wasn't long until he asked the question we all new was coming. "Where's (Y/n)?"

We look at each other, not knowing how to break the news. I glance over at Keith who opens his mouth to speak, then closes it again. It was Lance who finally spoke up. He steps forward putting a hand on Shiro's shoulder. "She... she got taken. By the Galra." He finally says.

Shiro seems to freeze for a bit before he surprises us with his reaction. He grabs Lance my the collar. "What." Shiro growls.

"I-I'm sorry Shiro." Lances tries. I look in disbelief. This isn't like Shiro.

Keith steps forward. "Shiro! Put him down." Shiro seems to snap out of it and let's Lance down before looked around at everyone's shocked faces, before back to Lance.

The former black Paladin ran is hand through his hair. "I'm sorry Lance." He shut his eyes tight before opening them again and looking to Keith. "What happened?"

Allura was next to speak. "She was taken when Kolivan Antok (Y/n) and I were fighting Hagar. It was her shoulder again and then that witch took her." She explained. "I am terribly sorry. I should have tried harder to get her back."

"It's not your fault Allura." Lance pats her on the shoulder, before looking back at Shiro. "We've been looking her, the both of you, ever since the battle, though we haven't had any luck yet."

Shiro put his hand to his forehead, covering his eyes from us. His mouth was turned down and I could tell he was upset. "I couldn't protect her."

Keith narrowed his eyes annoyed. Oh no. This isn't a good time for him to loose his temper. I thought. "No! Don't start that! We all should of protected her. But we couldn't. Blaming each other isn't going to help us find her. We should be getting back out there and looking for her. Not in here sulking and feeling guilty!"

Me and everyone look at him surprised. He was turning out to be a good leader. Shiro puts a hand on Keith's shoulder. "Thanks for stepping up while I was gone." Keith smiles back and nods. "Keith's right. Let's keep looking."

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