Chapter 20 : The Plan and the Bull

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It has been a day since I spoke to Lotor. At least I believe so. It's kind of hard to tell the time in a cell while in space. I had just told Hexon and Roben about what the prince and I talked about.

"So. Do you think you'll see Zarkon in your dream again?" Roben asks.

I let out a small chuckle. "I hope not." Though really I was hiding the fact I already had. In my last sleep he had appeared and we had a every interesting conversation which may of included me spitting in his face. But I didn't want Roben to worry about this.

There was no response. After a few minutes, noise came from outside the cell. I close my eyes and sigh as the door to my cell opens. "Lotor." I greet coldly.

"Come on (Y/n). Treat a friends better then that." Lotor tells me. I scoffed at his choice of words. Standing to my feet I walk up in front of him and glare. He nods and walks out, his guards grab my arms forcing me to follow.

In his, what I would call, throne room, Lotor turns to me. "So, any new from my father." He asks, the last part of his sentence dripping with venom.

I opened my mouth hesitantly. I couldn't trust Lotor, though he seemed to hate Zarkon as much as me. With my information, we could possibly stop him. "Yes." I finally answer.

Lotor nods, pleased. "Well?" He asks, sitting down.

"He came to me like last time, in my dream. He said that he was growing stronger day by day and that when he was back, he would come to me in person. That he wanted to ally with me. I think he wanted to use me to get to Voltron."

Lotor smirks. "Yes, Voltron. Your friends with them right?" I glare at him, hoping I didn't just give him any ideas. "Bring her with me. I want her to watch this." He calls to the guards, smirking. I groan. I do not like being dragged around by these guys.


We still can't find (Y/n). Pidge guesses they are hiding her on the main ship. I really hope not.

The castle never seemed to be this dull before. There was no one to help me prank the others. Hunk had no one to cook with. Pidge has no late night computer buddy. Allura and Coran has no one to talk about there alien culture to. Heck, Shiro had no sister. And Keith, well he seemed to be doing worse then Shiro. Which kind of surprised me.

Pidge barges into the bridge, interrupting my thoughts. "I found her!" She yells. Everyone immediately sits up in their seats.

"Really!" I ask, just to make sure I heard her right.

"Yes! She's being kept on the main ships like I thought." Pidge continues pointing to the screen of her computer in her hands. "Now, it will be hard to enter, but from some information we got before I found that there's a shipment due in two quintants. It's coming from an outpost not far from our location and it's not to well guarded." She explains.

Allura speaks next. "So if we can sneak on to that ship we can get to (Y/n)." She concludes. "We will head to the outpost tomorrow."

I jump up. "Yes!" I shout. Keith is frozen in his set looking at the ground. I think he's in shock. Coran is smiling and Shiro is deep in thought. Shiro's been acting... different ever since he's got back.

I walk up to Keith, patting him on the shoulder and snapping him out of his trance. "You good bud?" I ask, slightly concerned.

Keith turns slightly and smiles. "Yeah. Yeah I'm good."

~ ~ ~


Lotor has taken me to some kind of large spectators box. Except it wasn't really a box, more like a platform, in which I could easily get away from. If it weren't the the fact the there we thousands of Galra sitting in the stands. The only clear path I had was right into the area a below.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask turning around to face Lotor who had his hands behind him back, looking down at the sandy pit below.

"Entertainment of corse." Lotor says, non-chalantly. He doesn't even move his gaze to look at me.

I narrow my eyes at him before turning my attention back to the arena. A large beast is released from one end with yelllow eyes and two large horns on its head. It pretty much looked like a Minotaur, but more alien like. At the other end, a blue alien was pushed in. She tried to put on a brave face, but I could tell how scared she was. There was a scream from somewhere down below, and I immediately recognised the voice as Roben's. "Iloe!"

The prisoner looks back at Roben who was being held back by to soldiers next to Haxon. "Roben!" She yells, distressed.

Studying the alien, "Iloe" I begin to see the similarities between her and Roben. "His sister..." I whisper to myself.

Lotor looks at me with a small smirk evident on his face. "If I recall right, you watched a friend die here in this very arena as well, didn't you? It would be a shame if that young blue friend of yours had to go through the same thing."

I glare at him until my attention is drawn back to the ring. Iloe jumps out of the way just in time to avoid being smashed by the large beast while the crowd starts cheering. It charges at her again and this time she manages to get slammed into the wall. "No!" Roben cries and at that moment my mind was made up.

Grabbing a sword the was conveniently laying against the wall, I jump off the platform making my way down to the arena as the bull creature raises it hand to smack it down on Iloe. The Galra in the crowed wait for the finally blow, but before the Minotaur could strike I hit a blow to hits side, sending it stumbling to the ground.

The crowd cheered, excited to see more action. The beast, stood back up glaring down at me, I swung around the sword before holding it in front of me, getting ready to fight. "You wanna go you big fat... thing." I yell, which seemed to make him more angry. "Ok, let's go."

A VERY late update. Sorry about that. No I'm not dead. I kind of hit a bit of a writers block but I think I've pushed past it now. Though further updates may be a bit slower.

Thank you for reading (and waiting). I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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