32: A salamander, you uncultured swine

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TW: The angst has come back in :D

*Logan POV*

I snuggle against Virgil. It's three AM.

"I need m-m-more light," he mutters to himself through a yawn.

"Get a flashlight then," I whisper.

"We already threw ours off the roof for the light gods four hours ago, remember?" Virgil asks.

"You threw the backups too?" I ask.

"Um, yeah. Gods and demons aren't people you under-sacrifice to," Virgil states.

I sigh. He's an idiot sometimes.

"Do you really believe in that shit?" I ask.

"Nah, but it's fun to make others think it's real," he says.

I nod sleepily.

"So can you do some swish swoosh magic and get me some light?" Virgil asks.

"Swish swoosh?" I ask with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, do the magic," Virgil mumbles.

"You're going to be asleep by the time I do it," I say.

"Worth it," he says, getting quieter and quieter. I can tell he's exhausted.

I smile and pull together some very faint, blue light. Its brightness is equivalent to a dim lamp from an old house.

"Pretty. Just like you," Virgil mumbles.

I smile. He is the greatest person I've ever met and he only deserves the best in this world.

"You should get some sleep, Vee." I throw a blanket over him and slowly take his book away.

"Are you suuuuuure? 'Cause I can pull another all-nighter," he says, "Third one this week!"

"Yeah, you are going to sleep now whether you like it or not," I say.

"Awwww, can't we stay up a- a- a-" he stutters through a yawn.

I pat his head.

"No. You need sleep, Vee," I say.

He snuggles up to my chest. After just a few seconds, I hear his light snoring, so I relax. I look up at the stars.


It's around eight AM when people start to wake up and leave. I try to shake Virgil away to no avail. 

"Virgil, get up," I say.

"Mmmmm no," he grumbles.

I grab him by the arms and tug him up. He stumbles and falls into me.

"Alright alright, I'm up. Away from the warm bliss of nothingness," he says.

"At least I let you keep your blanket," I say.

He looks down at himself.

"Yeah. But now I can go right back to sleep in my dorm," he says.

"If your roommates don't wake you up again first," I point out.

He frowns.

"Yeah. Or that," he says.

We walk back downstairs and part ways as I go down to breakfast and he goes to his dorm.

"Look bitches, I'm going downtown. We are out of all coffee and literally any good snack foods," I hear Remy say as he exits and I enter.

"Rem, we still aren't allowed to go there," some kid says.

"Meh. Mr. T and I are chill; I'm sure it will be fine," Remy says.

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