5: Cooking

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*Logan POV*

I see Janus lead Virgil out of the lake. Virgil looks like he's about to cry, and I have the urge to go up to him and make sure he'll be ok.

"Is he going to be ok?" I ask.

"Oh yeah," Roman says, "He skips out on swim all the time. He's probably just embarrassed or something,"

"Oh," I say, not looking away from Virgil and Janus.

They seem interesting, and I'm intrigued by interesting people.

"Alright everyone, start your warmups!" the coach shouts.

"What are the warmups?" I ask.

"A 100 freestyle, a 100 IM, and then a 50 of your choice," Roman says, "More if you're on the swim team,"

Who would they even compete against? Is this school part of a district? Does it interact with other schools in this area? I have too many questions.

However, one question I don't have is what a '100 freestyle/IM' is. I was on a swim team in middle school, and frankly, these are easy warmups.


After swim class, we have reading time, which is my favorite time. We all go to the library or classrooms and just read.

It's relaxing, calming, and just amazing. 

I look up from my book as Virgil walks in. He walks so silently it's almost impossible to hear him. I wonder why he left swim earlier.


"Hey Lo, we're going to the theater for Ro's audition, wanna come?" Patton asks.

We're in our dorm. I'm sitting on my bed, reading. It's the end of my first week, making the date October 12th. Overall, I enjoy being here.

"I suppose so," I say.

This school has a theater too?

Patton leads me to the theater, which is on the first floor.

"What is the play?" I ask.

"Moon over Buffalo!" Patton says, "It's not a musical, which Ro's a little disappointed about,"

"I know," I say.

When we walk in I see a few other students and Thomas. He waves to me, so I wave back.

"Are you two auditioning?" he asks.

"Nope! Just here to support a friend!" Patton says.

"Ah. You know, I originally wanted to make this a school for performing arts, before I found out how many of us there are," he says.

"This does seem like a more practical type of school," I say.

"Yeah, but I still love theater," Thomas says.

"Are we ready to start?" someone asks.

"Yes!" Thomas says, turning back to the 10 or so teens waiting to audition.


Roman is an extremely talented actor. Something I'm both impressed and wary about.

"Oh, you were so amazing!" Patton squeals as we leave the theater.

"You really think so?" Roman asks.

"Objectively, you did better than anyone else there," I say.

Roman smiles.

"Thanks. Now, who wants to sneak to the kitchens and get dessert?" he asks.

"Well-" Patton and I both say.

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