15: Capture the flag

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*Virgil POV*

Why. Just why.

"Ok, so as we know, we are going to be designing model spaceships next month, but for now we are going to be mapping out the stars!" Mrs. Wu says.

This is the first time we've heard of modeling spaceships, but ok.

She passes out some sheets of paper and pictures.

"We'll start by identifying constellations. Then, later tonight, we'll go to the roof with a few telescopes," she says.

I glance over at Logan. He seems to be determinedly avoiding eye contact, which is fine by me. Kinda. 

Ok not really.

But what was he even saying at lunch that day about 'trust' and 'hiding something'? I've been thinking about it for days straight, and my mind gay, and I still have no answer.


"Alright, class, that's everything for tonight! Dinner is in ten minutes, so pack everything up, and let's get going!" Mrs. Wu says.

I grab my stuff and slip out of the room before anyone can talk to me. For years, this club has been my safe place. A place where I can get away from everyone else and just do what I like. A place where I'm free from the judging eyes and my anxiety.

And now that's gone.

This would have been just a little more ok if it happened a week ago. But not now.

*Logan POV*

I walk down to the cafeteria, and a few people from the club make small talk around me.

"So, your name's Logan, right?" one of the kids asks.

"Yes, that is correct," I say.

"Cool. I'm Cass," they say, "He/him. So what brings you to our tiny club?"

"I saw a poster and thought it seemed interesting," I say.

Cass laughs, and I turn to him, puzzled.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"It's just- you're the first person to both actually notice them and join! Most people hate the puns we put on them," he explains.

"Oh." is all I say.

We enter the cafeteria and I grab some food and sit down next to Patton and Roman.

"So how was the club?" Patton asks.

"Quite enjoyable," I say.

"That's good!" Patton says, "I beat Roman in kickball!"

"It was really close," Roman says.

"Still counts!" Patton says.

"So what do you guys want to do tonight? We're all done with our homework for a change," Roman says.

"You two can do whatever. I'm just going to read," I say.

Read and think. I still have a bunch of bad emotions and the fact that they're there makes me feel worse. And then whenever I think of Virgil I want to cry.

"Well, that's your choice. But you gotta do something with us outside of school!" Patton says.

"I will," I promise.

Patton beams and hugs me.

"Speaking of which, how was everyone's day?" he asks.

"Mine was fine. Rehearsal got canceled, which sucks, but I did make an explosion in Remus's face to get back at him for eating one of my notebook pages, so I'd say it was a good say," Roman says.

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