16: Remus drank bleach at some point

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*Logan POV*

It's nearly ten PM by the time we finish playing capture the flag. My team won the most rounds, and the gym is a mess. Ice, scorch marks, even some burnt-out lightbulbs. I hope we had permission for this, otherwise we are all going to be in trouble.

After the game, just as I'm about to exit the gym, Roman comes up behind me and hugs me. If Patton wasn't in front of me, I would assume it was him.

"Uh, why are you hugging me?" I ask.

"You did amazing, that's why!" Roman says.

"Umm," I say.

"This is normal," Patton assures me.

I nod but still push Roman off me. 

We go back up to our dorm, where Roman immediately falls asleep, with Patton soon after.

Just after they doze off, Remy comes in.

"Salutations," I say.

"Sup, you little bitch," Remy says.

I sigh. I'm not an expert on people but I can tell he's mad.

"What did I do?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing. You just broke someone's heart, that's all," Remy says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

He scoffs.

"You know exactly what," he says.

He goes over to his bed and puts his headphones on, ignoring anything else I say.

I let out a sigh and decide it's best to just go to sleep. I can think about what he said later.

*Virgil POV*

A week has passed. It's Monday and the only good thing about it was the Space club. The keyword being 'was'.

"Virge, are you ok? You've been staying up really late every night," Janus asks.

"Yeah, I'm completely fine," I say.

"Good, 'cause I don't want to carry you out of class or face your wrath if you fall asleep," Janus says.

"Yeah, you are a literal demon if someone wakes you up," Remus says.

"Yeah, I know. So shut it and let's go get some food," I say.

"Sounds good," Remus says.

He grabs his deodorant and we leave the dorm. I put my hood up and pull it down a little. I fiddle with my sleeve, looking down at the floor as we go down to the cafeteria. Janus and Remus chat in front of me.

"It's been three years and I still don't get why you eat that! It's poisonous!" Janus says.

"Oh calm your tits, my immune system is great. I once drank some bleach!" Remus says.

"You what?!" Janus asks.

"Bleach. I drank it. It was really bitter and sour," Remus says proudly.

"How are you not in a hospital?" Janus asks.

"They can't catch me. I won't let them," Remus says with a smirk.

"Remus! If you drink something deadly you should go to the hospital," Janus says, exasperated.

"Ok but that won't apply if I eat something deadly," Remus says.


"You can only force me to do one thing Anus!"

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