12: Questions

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TW: More intrusive thoughts

*Logan POV*

I got too nervous to ask. I needed to ask. I trust Virgil a little more than Janus or Remus, so why did I not ask? It's a simple question!

I go down to the library like I said I was. I have some homework and a little research I want to do.

The hallways seem to be deserted, most likely due to everyone sleeping in. I enter the library, where it seems only one other person is here, the librarian.

"Hello," he says, "Can I help you with anything?"

"Not at the moment," I say.

I sit down in a beanbag chair and immediately get up because its back support is terrible. I go over to a table and sit down there.

I pull out my laptop, which has most of my homework. I decide to get started on the essay I have due for Language Arts.

After about a half-hour, someone comes rushing in. I ignore them as they go to the non-fiction section.

"Hey, Logan?"

I look up and see Janus.

"Salutations, Janus," I say.

"Yeah, hi-" he says, out of breath, "Do- do you know where the books for helping intrusive thoughts or something like that are?"

"No, why don't you just look it up?" I ask.

"I don't want to. They track everything we do on our computers," Janus says.

"Oh. I can help you look for the book," I say.

"Thank you," he says, relieved.

I'm happy to help anyone who likes to research as I do.

We walk over to the non-fiction section and search for the psychology area. I've never gone there myself, but I am good at finding sections in libraries.

"Over here," I say.

Janus speeds over to me and starts scouring the shelves. I quickly glance over them and pull out a few thin books.

"Here," I say.

I hand him the books I found, all of which are on things like anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and mental disorders and their treatment.

"Why would I need a book about anxiety?" Janus asks.

"A lot of bad thoughts can stem from it," I say.

"Oh, I guess. Thanks, Logan," Janus says, leaving the library as quickly as he came.

"Hey! You need to check out those books!" the librarian shouts.

"I can tell you the titles," I say.

"Fine," he grumbles as I walk over to him.


At noon I leave the library and go down to the cafeteria.

"Hey, kiddo!" Patton says.

I sit down next to him as Roman looks around nervously.

"Salutations. Is everything alright, Roman?" I ask.

"Yeah, just making sure they aren't here," he says.

'They', or Janus, Virgil, and Remus.

"I think you are overreacting from what you heard last night," I say.

"Oh, am I? Well, how many murder plots are there against you every day? 'Cause I think you're underreacting!" Roman says.

I roll my eyes.

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