Author's Note

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Hey guys!

Title should be obvious enough. But just wanted to say thanks for even getting to this point. I know there are other works you probably have on your list, and just taking the time to read this one is really awesome.

Secondly, KNEEL! (Just kidding.) But I assume you must love Tom and Loki as much as I do. So good job, you have chosen the right fandoms.

Thirdly, I take requests. It's fun making other people smile, especially when it involved writing. So don't hesitate to ask! (Life tip: the worse thing someone can say is no, but the best thing they can say is yes, so never be afraid to ask!)
Update 02/01/16: Please direct all requests pertaining to this book to the corresponding link in my bio, located on my profile page.

Enjoy, fellow Hiddlestoners!


UPDATE 04/26/15: I have changed the order of the imagines. If you are wondering where other parts have gone, they probably have been moved! Please refer to the scroll down list and/or Table of Contents.

UPDATE 02/01/16: The second imagine book is now up and will be getting updates all year! Don't forget to check it out after this book (:

Tom Hiddleston and Loki Imagines - Bk. 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum