Song Parody

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I never posted this, and I should have ages ago. (I've had this written down since December, I think.)  But I'll use it as a pre-apology for the next imagine, as I have little faith that I can carry out this crossover.  Enjoy and please forgive me! Xx ~ Ace


Do you want to go to Asgard?

Come on, it's made of gold!

It has Loki, Odin, Frigga, Thor

And so much more.

They never get real old!

They used to be a family.

But now they're not.

I wish they would get along!

Do you want to go to Asgard?

And we can even use the Bifrost!

(Go away, Jane!)

Okay bye...

Do you want to go to Asgard?

And we can talk late with Heimdall.

Adventure with Volstagg and Sif

You can even stroll the city with Fandral!

(He's kinda cute.)

It's gets a little lonely

In this science lab.

Just watching the hours tick by....


Please I know you're in there,

and to Asgard you've never been.

Eric say's he's coming too.

We're right out here for you.

Just let us in.

We're all in this together,

The three of us.

It'll be just like old times.

Do you want to go to Asgard?

Tom Hiddleston and Loki Imagines - Bk. 1Where stories live. Discover now