Chapter 9 - Chase & Casey

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Casey felt like he was living in a dream. Not only was he inside this fancy house, but the view of Chase's butt as he followed him up the steps was serious fantasy material. It was one thing to see it as he jogged by on pathway, but seeing it from a few feet away, he felt his face getting red at the thougths in his head right now. A quick memory from his old high school brought him back to earth. Chase was being his friend, and here he was, perving on him. Rein it in, Casey. 

As they ascended the light gray carpeted steps, Casey was hesitant to touch anything, including the handrails. The polish wood was without blemish as were the off white walls. When they reached the second floor, they entered a hallway where all the doors were closed. Chase's door was at the end, next to the bathroom which he now noted was the only door that wasn't closed. There were no water stains on the ceiling, no cobwebs in the corners. Just white baseboards, pale blue painted walls and a white stucco ceiling. The house was so well kept that it looked like someone just built it and Chase and his family had moved in yesterday. In fact, the place smelled new. There was no hint of mildew or dust in the air. While Chase and his mom didn't live in a pigpen, it did have an old smell to it. It was comforting and familiar unlike this place. This place was nice but didn't feel like home...just a house. He wasn't critiquing Chase's home. It was just his way of not focusing on his attraction for Chase.

Chase opened his bedroom door and stepped in, moving out of the way so Casey could come inside also. The window faced the west so, the late day sun was filtering in and giving the room a warm glow. Chase turned on a light and suddenly Casey was very aware that there was a bed in this room. That shouldn't be a surprise since it is a bedroom, but his thoughts from before seem even worse now. He felt like his face was on fire and everywhere he looked was embarrassing. When Chase bent over and began to forage through his backpack, Casey caught himself staring at the sliver of exposed skin of Chase's back as his shirt became untucked, riding up slightly, and, at the same time, the way his khakis clung snugly to his firm cheeks. 'This was a mistake' kept running through his mind. Chase is being a friend and right now, I could use some friends. Hell, I could use one friend right now. He walked over to the window and looked out at the setting sun to distract himself. 

"Hey," Chase called out. "Is this the same as your textbook?"

Casey turned around and looked at the book in Chase's hand. "Yeah, it is."

As Chase reached out with the book, Casey smiled, taking the book from him.  "Do you have any paper I could use to write my summary?" 

Chase turned back to his desk and grabbed some sheets of paper and two pencils. "You can use these unless you'd rather borrow my laptop and join the twenty-first century." 

Casey stood still, his head not knowing what to say. He didn't own a laptop and the desktop his mom had gotten at a yard sale, was severely out of date. Technology was the luxury of the rich and he wasn't rich by any stretch of the imagination. Even his cellphone was two or three generation behind the newest version. So, he mutter that the paper was fine. After Chase handed it to him, he offered the desk so Casey would have a surface to write on. Then, Chase grabbed his book and plopped down on the bed. He found his page and began to read. 

Casey sat down at the desk and opened the text book. He tried reading but was having trouble concentrating. He wanted to sneak a peek at Chase, but he was afraid of being caught. Then, he noticed he could see Chase in the reflection of  a framed picture on the wall beside the desk. Once he saw this, he had more trouble concentrating on the pages in front of him. He tried to resist looking but lacked the self-control to do that. So, finally he shifted his chair so that he couldn't see Chase in the reflection. Able to focus now, he hurriedly scribbled a page full of notes, then closed the history book and stood up.

Chase heard the scrape of the chairs legs and looked up.

Casey said, "Well, I have that homework done. I guess I'll head home now."

Chase closed his book, his face holding a look of disappointment. "Already?" He said.

Casey shrugged. "Well, you seemed to be busy, and I don't want to overstay my welcome."

Chase casually laid the book down, not even bothering to bookmark his place. He said without looking at Casey. "I was thinking about getting out and going for a run. Maybe you'd like to go with me? I mean, I enjoy running, even running alone, but it would be nice to have company for a change."

Casey looked down at himself, spreading his arms to his side, palms up and said, "I don't exactly have running clothes on."

Undeterred, Chase said, "I'm sure I have something you could wear." He went to his dresser and pulled out a shirt and shorts. He turned and offered them to Casey. "Bathroom's just around the corner. you can change there."

Casey was at a loss for a real reason to not go. Besides, Chase's smile and enthusiasm were infectious. Casey put out his hand took the clothes from Chase. "I'll be right back," Casey shyly said, not daring to look Chase in the eye.

He left the room and went into the bathroom, closing the door. He looked around as the bright ceramic tiles, modern looking shower and wood accented commode. He still couldn't believe he was here. As he began to undress, he was self-conscious about being unclothed, even with the door closed. Then, as he pulled on the running clothes, the thought that Chase had worn them, his sweat soaking into the material, causing arousal in the Casey that he instantly felt guilty about. He close his eyes and tried to settle his body down. He couldn't be seen tenting the same shorts that Chase had worn and would wear again. He turned to the commode and lifted the wood grain lid and used it to relieve his bladder. This did the trick and put his erection to sleep again. And even though, he didn't ever expect to invited back again, pervs definitely don't get invited back. Unless it's for a beat down. Poor Maurice knew that now. Casey wiped a tear away and, after flushing, opened the door and went back to Chase's room.

He walked in, saying "I'm ready." But Chase wasn't there. Confused, he looked around but was unsure what to do. Then, he heard voices from downstairs, one of which sounded like Chase. He headed toward the top of the steps but stopped when he heard Chase say, "Why not?"

His mom replied, "Because it's not safe."

Chase responded, "I can't believe you said that."

His mother just sighed. Then, Chase said, "We're just going for a run. We'll be back in an hour...You can time us."

Casey was becoming uncomfortable, eavesdropping, so he went back to Chase's room and closed the door. He sat at the desk waiting for Chase to return. He opened the history book and began to read to pass the time. Soon, the door opened and Chase came in. He said, "We can't go for a run right now. Mom told me we have company coming over."

Chase stood up, as he said, "Oh." He moved toward Chase and prepared to head back to the bathroom. "I'll take these off before I go."

Chase laid a hand on his arm and Casey stopped. Chase said, "You don't have to leave. It's just some friends of my parents and their daughter, Sharon. We can go after they leave, okay?"

Casey just looked down at the floor before looking at Chase and said, "If you're sure. I don't want to be in the way." His heart was racing just from the warmth of Chase's hand.

Chase said, "Naw. It would be nice to have a friend around, instead of sitting around listening to them talk about the latest news. And by news, I mean gossip." Chase gave Casey a smile and a wink.

"Well, I'll still get changed." He looked down at the clothes in his hand, his clothes. They weren't anything fancy, but  hoped nobody would notice.

Chase said, "Just come down when you're done. I'll be in the living room." Chase gave him a bright smile.

Casey returned one and said, "Okay. I won't be long." Then he headed out of the room and into the bathroom.

As soon as Casey was out of sight, Chase's smile faded and he sighed. He'd been able to get away from Sharon at store but here in his home, in front of his parents, would be a different story.

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