Chase - Chapter 6

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Chase dialed him mom and waited through three rings before she answered. The first thing she asked him was, if he was alright. When he didn't return from his run as he usually did, she became a little concerned but didn't want to be a worry wart. He told her he was okay. He was just at the hospital. Now , the renewed concern was evident in her voice, so he talked quickly about why he was there. He told her a friend from school was there with their mother who had just been admitted and about how their phones had been mixed up accidentally in the park. He told her he had stayed with them a while because they were obviously upset and he didn't what them to be waiting alone.

His mom said, "That was sweet. I 'm sure she appreciated it."

He let it slide, merely saying. "They did."

He was about change the subject when his mom beat him to it. She asked if he could do her a favor and pick up some things from the store for dinner. He rolled his eyes but said sure. As she started to rattle off a list, he stopped her, saying it would be better if she sent a text. She sighed but agreed with him. She knew him well enough to know, if she wanted him to bring her everything she needed, a text was better than his memory. She was the one who ended the call, saying I love you.

He responded, "Love you too. "

He started walking toward the store rather than taking a bus. It wasn't more than a few blocks away, and hopefully by the time he reached it, the list should be on his phone. On the way there, he opened his phone up and added Casey to his contact list. He couldn't help thinking about what Casey was facing. It was hard to leave him there, but he had things to do and and Chase didn't know him well enough for him to get involved with his personal stuff. So, he typed a quick text to Casey saying hope your mom is okay. Then, he took a deep breath, let it out in a huff and focused back on reason he was at the market.

He brought up the text from his mom, and the list was a long one. If it was that long in the first place, he wouldn't expect him mom to have recited it to him. She must have thought of more things as she typed it in. So, he grabbed a cart and entered the store. His mom did a wonderful job of arranging the list so that they were in order as he followed the aisles, without backtracking. As he gathered the fruits and vegetables, he lost himself in the chore. He could even skip a few aisles like the soda aisle and cereal aisle. His mother never bought any of those things. She considered them food for weak minds and bodies. He'd learned long ago not to stop asking  for them anymore. The lectures about good nutrition and good health had been drilled into his brain permanently. He could probably recite them word for word by now. Still, he wasn't above sneaking one in from time to time, like he did with Casey. And now his mind was back on Casey.

He was so distracted that he didn't see Sharon until he bumped her with his cart. He began to offer his apology but stopped when he realized who it was. In just the opposite way, she began to snap at him until she saw who it was. Then, she just lit up. In fact, she moved around their carts and wrapped him in a hug. After a moment of hesitation, he placed a hand on her back. He knew he should be polite. It was how he was raised. Still, he would rather shake her hand than give her a hug. He'd experienced enough of her attention to know she liked him...a lot. Still, he'd never given her any sign that he felt the same. Why couldn't she get the message? He even dropped his hand from her back after only a couple pats, and still, she held on. He finally made a move to pull back, and she released her hug.

She immediately slipped into flirt mode. She was all smiles, asking  him how he's been and what brings him to the market on a Saturday. She seemed to have forgotten she was here to do some shopping, not host an interview. He politely said he here getting some things for his mother. She needed a few things to make dinner tonight and he was in the area. He was getting annoyed by how close she was standing to him, touching his shoulder or his hand. His phone dinged as his mother sent another item for his list. His patience at it's limit, he glanced at his phone and then, telling a little white lie, said he needed to get moving. His mom was wondering what's taking so long. This seemed to break the mood and she stepped back. He pulled his cart back and turned it to move clear of her cart. She told him it was good to see him. She said maybe sometime they could get together and go out to eat. Sure is all he could say though his heart wasn't in it. It was just a polite reflex. Then, he was down another aisle and back to the list.

He let out a deep breath he didn't even know he was holding. She was relentless but he'd done a good job of avoiding her at school. He seemed to have a sixth sense whenever she was nearby. Probably, the only reason he didn't sense her proximity this time was, because he was distracted by Casey. That thought alone brought a smile to his face. But the smile morphed into a frown as he thought about Casey alone in the hospital waiting for his mom, alone with her in her room and, mostly likely, alone at home after visiting hours.

He stopped and tapped out a message to Casey. How are you doing?

Then, not sure why, he typed, Are you still at the hospital?

His phone pinged, yes.

He tapped in, are visiting hours almost over?

Casey responded, in about an hour.

Chase paused, his fingers hovered over the phone, until he made a decision. He typed in, I'll pick you up in an hour to take you home. Meet me at the front entrance.

Then, he picked up the pace and began collecting the rest of the things on his list. He was on a mission and needed to finish up soon if he was going to be able do it. After grabbing milk and some whole grain bread, he headed to the check out. He was engrossed on loading the conveyor belt with groceries and didn't see her get in line behind until she laughed lightly and jokes about being a long time since she saw him. He looked up and pasted on a smile, saying something like, yeah it has. Then, he finished unloading the shopping cart, trying not to appear impatient by how slowly the cashier was bagging his purchases. Sharon must have seen an opportunity because she made a suggestion about hanging out tonight. Facing away from her, Chase grimaced but managed to put on a smile when he turned to respond.

"Sorry, I need to take these home and then, I have to go the hospital to pick up a friend."

"Oh," is all she said, as her shoulders fell and her whole body deflated like a balloon with a slow leak. Not that Chase noticed since he was busy filling his cart with bags of groceries. With a quick bye to Sharon, he rushed for the car where he began to stuff bags into the back seat. He slammed the back door shut and slid behind the wheel even as he pushed the key into the slot. He wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible for two reasons. One, he didn't want to give Sharon anymore chances to worm her way into his plans. And two, he needed to get this stuff home so he wouldn't be late picking up Casey. He saw this as another chance to get to know Casey better and he wasn't going to blow it.

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