3| bastard

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The moment she stepped into my office, I knew I had to have her. She had an innocent face but she walked like someone in charge. I read over her resume and I immediately made up my mind to hire her. I wanted to hear her voice. I wanted to know how her brain thinks for someone who majored in Psychology and minored in Criminology. I was merely curious. She was confident in herself and her responses. I was even more impressed. She gave away nothing to let someone know what she was thinking. She lets you assume whatever and then surprises you after.

It was hard to not focus on her legs. It had me imagining the many different ways I could take her. Her legs wrapped around my waist while I pounded into her over and over again. I knew the effect I had on her by the way her legs were clenched so tightly together. It took everything in me to not place her over the table and have my way with her. And don't get me started on that ass. So round and perky. I closed my eyes to get rid of the filthy thoughts but that made it worse. I felt uncomfortable as my pants tightened. I need to get laid.

"Cousin, what did you do?" My door busted open to the only person I knew who had the guts to do something like that. Blaire.

"What are you talking about, Blaire?" I asked without looking at her. I was far too busy for her theatrics.

"Astrid, that's what?" That got my attention. I'm not one to be interested in the lives of the women I was lustfully attracted to but Astrid was different.

"What about her?" I tried my best to hide my concern. Wait, what? Concern? Nope, just curious. Right.

"That's what I would like to know. She walks out of here looking sick to her stomach." My mind drifted to how pale she got when Mr. Ramirez said something to her.

"I don't know Blaire. She probably hasn't eaten all day, which I advised her to." I half lied and she nodded in deep thought, mumbling something along the lines of Astrid saying the same thing.

"Okay," was all she said and she left. What did he really say to her to give her such a reaction?

I dialed her over the intercom. "Ms. Bloom, come to my office immediately."

"You called me sir," she said with a small smile the moment she walked in, though I saw the small anxiety hidden in her eyes.

"Yeah, first things first, don't knock when you're entering my office. Two: take my personal elevator when going down and three: we're going out for lunch," I told her, moving the files aside and getting up. I don't know what came over me but I knew I wanted to take her mind off everything. He said something to her and I wanted to know what it was but I knew she wouldn't tell me.


"Non-negotiable," I said, pulling her with me out of the office with her behind me. Surprisingly, she remained quiet. Walking out of the elevator, I ignored the stares from my employees. My hand was still holding hers and I had no mind to let go because it felt right. Her hand fit so perfectly in mine. It was almost—nope, not going there.

"What is this, Mr. Pierce?" she asked as soon as we stopped in the cafe.

"This is me treating you to lunch, darling," I replied, calling over the waiter.

"But why? I could've gotten it myself," she said and I lifted my shoulder in a lazy shrug, refusing to answer.

"Why business? You could've been a psychologist, psychiatrist, or something in the police force," I asked instead.

"My father and brothers are police officers and I didn't find it in me to follow behind them. It would've been fun but no," she chuckled. I found myself staring at her mixed brown-green eyes and how they sparkled when she laughed.

"Have you two decided?" A young waiter walked over, smiling at Astrid. For some reason, I became upset because of it.

"A cappuccino and a cinnamon roll, please," she smiled and handed him the menu.

"And you, sir?" He asked without looking at me. He was so busy smiling at Astrid and staring at her breasts.

"An espresso." My voice was laced in venom but he didn't seem to notice. He only wrote it down and walked back to the counter but not without sending Astrid a wink.

"Bastard," I muttered under my breath.

"What's one place you've always wanted to go?" I asked, trying to forget about the idiot.

"Uh, Romania, definitely. I've heard it's so beautiful. What about you?" A part of me wanted to remember to take her there one day but I had to remind myself that the closest she'll get to me is in my bed.

"I've been to all the places I've ever dreamt of going," I replied and she only nodded, not looking surprised.

"Okay, then, what's one thing you've always wanted?"

"To go to space," I replied and her eyebrows raised in shock at my answer and I laughed.

"Yes, it's shocking but it's the truth." That wasn't true. Far from it, actually. However, a young Giovanni Pierce would've wanted to go to space. If anyone knew my actual answer, it would've caused chaos for me and my family. I don't want to go through a repeat of last time. Hence, I made it my mission to sleep around and not grow attached. I've been through enough to cost me a lifetime.

"Then why haven't you gone? I'm sure you can pull a few strings and make something happen." That was a good question. What answer can I come up with when I'm no longer interested in sitting in an aircraft and seeing the science beyond Earth?

I shrugged, "I just haven't." I was cut off by the waiter, who was back with our orders. I was glad he saved me from whatever shit I was going to feed her.

"Cinnamon roll and a cappuccino for the lady and an espresso for the gentleman." I noticed that he slipped a paper under her mug, undoubtedly his number. My fists were clenched in my lap.

"Would you like anything else?" This dude was really getting on my nerves.

"Your job if you don't allow my girlfriend and me to eat in peace." He stared at me with wide eyes and so did Astrid.

"My apologies, sir," he said and quickly left the awkward situation.

"He was a little too young for me anyway," she said and she ripped the paper with his number on it in half, which made me smile.

When we were done with our meal and talk, we went back to the office and I was happy to have succeeded in getting her mind off what happened a few hours ago.

On the drive back to the company, I had this nagging feeling in my head. It made me uncomfortable, as it reminded me of my actions at the dinner. I was so blinded by envy that I hadn't realized the words that came out.

I called Astrid, my girlfriend. I could fight with my conscience all day over the prospect behind it but it would come back to the fact that I was jealous. Men would hit on my previous assistants before and I wouldn't have cared.

But with Astrid—

Mr. Pierce, calm down a little. You didn't have go at him like that. Let the guy shoot his shot.

Mr. Pierce: She's mine!

Author: I- **raises hands in surrender and walks out**


Au revoir......

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