8| worry

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It was normal for me to come down to the station and help out my dad on a few tough cases he had. Sometimes, I would help the other officers. I was such a familiar face around here, the security guard and I were friends.

When I walked in, I greeted everyone and they reciprocated the pleasantries. One of the officers who was probably working the same case as my dad, hugged me when he saw and let me know how glad he was that I was there. He was letting me know how much the case has him driving up a wall.

How bad is it?

"Dad." I called his attention while he talked with the other officers. He turned around and gestured for me to come closer.

"Gentlemen, you remember my daughter. She's helped us many times before," he reminded them and they nodded politely.

"Let's go, your brothers are interrogating him right now." He led me to the interrogation room. We stood behind the glass watching Oliver and Logan. Oliver sat in front of the man who looked rather business-like while Logan stood, leaning against the wall.

I watched silently while they questioned him. Something seemed off about the man. He was hiding something and was trying his hardest to keep it hidden.

"Why does he seem to be in a rush?" I asked dad, keeping my eyes trained on the man, who kept checking the time on his Rolex watch.

"He says he has an important meeting in Syria." Something about when he mentioned Syria seemed familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"What exactly are we looking for Dad?" I queried.

"See, every month exactly a dozen girls go missing. At first we thought it was some online group thing or something. But after a few weeks they never came back." He briefed me on the case he was working on.

"Do they have anything in common?" He shook his head.

"Just their ages, between 18-25," It was then it clicked what they were dealing with.

"Human trafficking." It was more of a statement than a question. Yeah, this was definitely bad.

"Precisely and we think businessmen are behind it, except we don't know who. The why though; probably because their businesses are running low or their greed for money and power." Suddenly I remembered why Syria seemed so familiar to me. When Mr. Harris and Ramirez came to the company that's where they said they wanted to expand in.

"Where did he say his meeting was?" I asked, my mind running a million miles per hour trying to connect the dots.

"Syria, why?" He examined my face with furrowed eyebrows, trying to figure out what I was thinking.

I snapped my fingers when I figured it out. "Because he's basically telling you where the whole operation is, without telling you. They move around but still."

"Why would they do that?" I gave him a duh look.

"Because they're businessmen. Who would question them if they said they have an 'important meeting' somewhere?" I stated using air quotations. His mouth formed an 'o' shape in realization.

"Alright, I'll tell them so they can try and get a reaction out of him. Thanks sweetie," He kissed my cheek and I smiled brightly like a child about to be rewarded with candy.

"Dad, if you arrest him, be on alert that their location will change because the others will hear about it," I warned him and he groaned.

"In other words, back to square one." I nodded in confirmation and he pinched his nose bridge.

Hate To Want You (18+)Where stories live. Discover now