28| distraction (R)

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To say Gio was the happiest person to see that the wedding did not go through was an understatement. When he saw Blaire, he swooped her up in a big big bear hug and spun her around in the air. He revealed the divorce papers he had printed and shredded them in front of her, telling her how happy he is that he didn't have to use these. He also took a great deal of pleasure, firing him and the woman who we found out he broke up with at the night of Blaire's birthday party, after he screwed her though.

However, when he learned that she had moved on to someone else, my brother nonetheless, he was a bit confused. He stood staring at her, not a sound or syllable leaving his mouth.

"The tall one, right?" He had asked, referring to which brother she had moved on with.

"Yes." Was her reply, her smile broadened at just the mention of him. I don't recall her like this with Noah; it was refreshing. It made sense why Logan seemed so uncharacteristically different.

"I'm going to need to have a word with him. I had respect for him when I met him but I still need to know where his mental and emotional state is in this relationship," he made known.

We all stared at him, who seemed to still be mulling over the change of events. He makes eye contact with her and tilts his head to the side, running his hand along his chin.

"Don't you think it's too early for a new relationship?" Blaire and I burst out laughing, knowing it was right on time.

Presently, Blaire and Logan took advantage of her honeymoon trip to get to know each other more. I am still bewildered by the fact that Logan is taking a break from his job to go on vacation. For the ten years he's worked in the force, Logan had turned down any vacation offer because according to him 'Crime doesn't stop'.

Adding to the list of surprises since the wedding, Gio took a sabbatical from the Pierce Corporated Limited building. Apparently, he was tired of seeing the glass windows and decided to take a few days working at home. He also ordered that I took a sabbatical as well and stay with him at his house.

Hence, here we were swarmed with files. He was seated at the island while I was on the couch, munching away on the wedding cake. His expensive leather couch that I had gotten used to. Per request, I got the bottom half of the wedding cake while the parents got the top half; Gio kept it in his fridge for me. His stomach grumbled loudly causing him to blow raspberries and trudged to the fridge.

"Do you want me to make something for you as well or are you going to stick to your cake?" he mocked. It was my fifth slice going sixth. It was delicious.

"I'll stick to my cake, thank you," I affirmed, shoving the last slice of cake in my mouth, moaning aloud to tease him.

He chuckles to himself. "I'll cook for the both of us."

"What are you making, anyway?" I ask, setting my laptop to the side and accompany him in the kitchen.

"I don't know, maybe just pasta," he shrugs both shoulders while I cut another slice. "Why don't you stuff your face in the entire thing?"

I dramatically gasp, placing a hand to my chest. "Are you referencing me to Bruce from Matilda?

He side glances me with a smirk, places a quick peck on my forehead, sends a wink and pushes me out of the kitchen. "Yes, I am. Now, leave. You're distracting me."

I was tempted to distract him even more but I decided against it for his sake. Okay, more like for my sake, but who cares. A song popped inside my head and I started humming it, my feet tapping along to the beat while I ate my cake in glee. The softness of the red velvet melts perfectly in my mouth, my head tilts to the side and my eyes rolling back.

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