"Umm sure" Florence looked back to Viktor and Fleur. "You guys head up to the common room and I'll meet you there. Tell Fred I sent you two, tall, about 6'3. Ginger. Probably standing in a table."

"Your boyfriend! Yes, the one you saved" Fleur spoke, softly smiling at Florence, who's face was now bright pink.

"No, no, no. He is not my boyfriend" Florence, stuttered. She was so embarrassed, her face getting more and more pink.

"Does he know that?" Viktor spoke, a smirk on his face as Florence swallowed.

"You two get going and just tell him I sent you" Florence spoke, she knew once they found him and told him that he would come looking for her just in case she needed to get out of an awkward conversation with Cedric.

"Florence, I owe you an apology" Cedric said and Florence took a deep breath, she was so used to being surrounded by Slytherins that she often forgot how Hufflepuffs acted. "When we spoke before I was acting selfish and being incredibly rude. I had been watching you since you're first year so I knew how ambitious, clever, brave, and talented of a witch you were and I knew you were much more worthy of getting chosen than me. I never wanted my actions to hurt your feelings or make you feel like you were less of a witch because you aren't. You are a better witch than any pure blood I know. So I apologize for my actions and the problems they have caused, I'm sorry Florence"

Florence stared at Cedric in shock, her eyebrows furrowed, she was frozen. She didn't know what to say or do, nobody had ever apologized to her like this. All she knew was that she needed more Hufflepuff friends, she couldn't understand why she didn't have more. "I-I, Cedric, I don't know what to say. I obviously misjudged you from our first conversation, thank you for the apology. I accept your apology and hope you'll accept mine because I am truly sorry for misjudging you so drastically"

"No, don't apologize. It was my fault, I was the one being a wanker." Cedric spoke, looking at the girl sympathetically. "I wanted to apologize as soon as it happened, I, I just didn't want you to think I was just doing it because you got chosen because I truly am sorry and would've apologized wether you got chosen or not"

"Thank you Cedric, for the apology" Florence spoke, a soft smile on her face and blush on her cheeks.

"No need to thank me, you deserved it-"

"Oi! Florence! You coming or just going to stand there looking beautiful!?!" An Irish voice called and Florence looked up to see Seamus Finnegan, Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, and the twins all standing on a balcony about three flights up. Florences whole face turned red as Cedrics did as well.

"Umm are you coming up?" Florence spoke, raising an eyebrow at Cedric.

"I'll be back, I've gotta go back to the Hufflepuff common room and get some Butterbeer, but I'll see you around. You'll be popular in there" Cedric spoke, a cheeky smirk on his face as he leaned in planting a kiss on her cheek before turning and heading in the opposite direction.

Florences eyes widened and her eyebrows furrowed, she could hear Seamus, Dean, and George whistling in the back. Her cheeks were bright red, no boy had ever really taken interest in her like that before. She was shocked.

"Hufflepuffs golden boy and Slytherins princess, what a match!" George yelled over the balcony as he watched Florence make her way up the stairs, Fred glared at his brother, giving him a hard push.

Florence made her way to the top, a blush on her cheeks, embarrassed as the boys cheered and chuckled. Florences eyes landed on Fred, the only one who didn't look impressed. Florence couldn't help herself as her next words just slipped off her tongue. "I don't like him like that"

Fred's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as the rest of the boys cheering came to an instant end, all watching Fred and Florence with curiosity. Florences face turned bright red as the two best friends eyes didn't leave each other. "It wouldn't matter if you did"

"I don't"

"Okay" Fred rolled his eyes, grabbing George's pitcher of butter beer and making his way into the Gryffindor common room.

"What the hell was that?" Seamus asked, confused.

"Florence likes Fred, isn't it obvious?" Dean spoke, shrugging as all eyes landed on him.

"I do not!" Florence defended, angrily.

"How do you know Dean?" Neville asked, shyly, watching his tongue so Florence wouldn't stop defending him from Crabbe and Goyle in the hallways.

"Dean doesn't know anything, do not ask him Neville!" Florence angrily spoke, sending Dean a glare.

"Florence, you should go talk to him" George spoke softly, and Florences whole demeanour changed. The girls shoulders slumped, her cheeks turning red, as she looked down at her feet.

"Ohhhh I see it now" Neville spoke up as Dean smirked.

"I'm going to talk to him" Florence grumbled, turning around and heading into the Gryffindor common room.

As soon as she walked in, all heads swung in her direction. A cheer broke out in the common room, but Florence never cared about any of that her eyes stayed on the tallest boy in the room, his ginger her popping out from all the brown and blonde hair that surrounded him. She could spot him from a mile away, she was always looking for him.

"Florence, congratulations! You're going to win this all!" Cho Chang smiled, patting the girl on the shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks" Florence spoke as she pushed past the Ravenclaw, watching as Fred headed up the stairs towards his room.

Florence pushed past all the people, making her way through the crowd and towards the stairs that Fred had gone up.

"So how long have they had a crush on each other?" Seamus asked George, as the two watched Florence from the doorway, a smirk on both of their faces.

"Since they day we met her at Diagon Alley, it's never gone away" George spoke, taking a sip from his butterbeer.

"So it's love than?"

"We will see" George spoke, heading into the crowd to find some chaos.

Florence pushed open the door to Fred and George's room. Florences hazel eyes met Fred's chocolate brown ones, both curious as to what the others next move would be. "What do you want Florence?"

"Why are you mad at me? I didn't do anything!" Florence spoke, furious with the ginger.

"Well a couple months ago you were crying to me about pretty boy Diggory and now he's kissing you! I'm just confused, that's all!" Fred spoke, standing up from his bed.

"Maybe if you would've stuck around and actually ask me than you would find out!" Florence yelled, walking up to Fred and giving him a push.

"Stick around and see what? See you and him suck each others faces off!" Florence was fuming now, she felt her blood boil as her and Fred now stood only a few centimetres from each other.

"First of all, he apologized to me. Like a gentlemen and second of all, he gave me a kiss on the cheek! He didn't propose! And third, why do you even care!" Florence spoke and Fred's eyes widened, taken back by the question. "You know what, I don't even want to know because I don't care! Screw you Fred, you're suppose to be my friend? You were the only person in the world who never judged me, I thought you'd be that person for forever. I guess I was wrong."

Florence swallowed as the tears left her eyes, Fred watched in shock as Florence turned around, leaving his room. Leaving him all by himself and with his thoughts.

Florence pushed through the crowd of people, quickly wiping the tears from her eyes as she made her way from the Gryffindor common room and to her Slytherin common room.

Mischief Managed//Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now