🧶~I hate dares~🧶//SHORT AF STORY

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"It's a dare Gundham." Peko chuckled. "Good job Mikan." Mikan smiled and Gundhams eyes widen. "How do you expect me to do that!" He yelled. "Mikan you fiend! He will surely hate me!" Mikan yelped. "I-I'm sorry! B-but y-you have to d-do it!" She yelled back at him. Gundham growled. "I will surely curse you all for this." "Yea whatever" Peko explained.
Gundham, Peko, and Mikan hid behind the bush, in front of them was Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, and Ibuki. They were talking amongst eachother. "Do I really have to perform this action?" Gundham asked. "You sinners do want to see me suffer!" Peko pushed him out from the bush. He sighed and walked towards them. "Hey Kaz it's that emo you hate" Kazuichi muttered stuff under his breath before facing him. "Heyo Gundham! It's me! I-buki-Miyo-da!" Ibuki yelled at him excitedly. Gundham nodded and stopped in front of Kazuichi. "E-Eh?" Gundham took a deep breath. "And you. Do you have a name? Or can I call you mine~" Gundham asked hiding his blush. "W-WHAT?" Kazuichi turned red. Fuyuhiko and Ibuki screamed with laughter.  Gundham hissed. "It was but a dare fools! I Gundham Tanaka would not ask out the cute mort- AGH I MEAN THIS MECHANIC" That just made Kazuichi even redder. "Are you..FLIRTING WITH ME?" Gundham nodded. "Don't you hate me?" Gundham shook his head. Kazuichi just chuckled. "..." Gundham ran back towards the bushes. Leaving Kazuichi in shock and The rest in laughter. Peko snd Mikan comforted him.

"Gundham!" Kazuichi dove into the bush and kissed him.

273 words

The reason why this is so short is because I wanted to make something as a stress reliever hope you guys enjoyed!

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