🔆~Some Head cannons~🔆

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Art not mine!!

•Kazuichi likes to lay on Gundhams chest and listen to his heart beat

•Gundham Likes to braid and style Kazuichis hair when he's sleeping.

•Kazuichi is extremely sensitive and hates loud noises. So when it rains, Gundham usually starts a fire in a fireplace and makes hot cocoa. Handing it to him and wrapping themselves in blankets, talking

•Kazuichi reminds Gudham of a shark

•Gundham is scared of cramp places and gets aggressive pretty easily, Kaz usually tries to calm him with re-assuring words and kisses

•Gundham likes to kiss Kazuichis knuckles and surprise him with flowers

•Sometimes, The girls like to dress Kazuichi as a girl and try to force him to show Gundham. He still hasn't...yet.

•They both enjoy each others presence and prefers to be together without people

•Kazuichis room is covered with pride flags and mechanical things, he is extremely open to talk about his sexuality, he was battling internalized homophobia (sorry if I spelt it wrong) and finally came over it. He could go on for hours about it.

•Gundhams room looks like a whole zoo

•Kazuichi loves the taste of coffee

•Gundham befriended Celestia Ludenburg at Hot Topic and they shop there sometimes

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