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Hi everyone!
Ghoul is currently very excited because cosplay and manga are coming soon!

Hi everyone!Ghoul is currently very excited because cosplay and manga are coming soon!

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Ghoul may show pictures of the packages if Ghoul doesn't forget

But in celebration, Ghoul is going to write a cosplay one shot!

Hope you enjoy <3

(Translation will be in comments soon!)

Before we start!

Stim warning for this chapter!

I myself have stims and I got REALLY overexcited when writing this.

I headcannon Kazuichi having stims and tics (tics left often) this is a comfort headcannon for me as stimming is very hard to control for me, and I'd really like to stop.

I usually have stims when I'm overexcited or stressed. I may also have tics but I'm not too sure.

But whether you have stims or tics your valid and ily

"It came!"

Kazuichi excitedly yelled running around a small apartment he shared with his boyfriend. "Pardon? What has arrived darling?"

Excitedly Kazuichi shoved the package in Gundhams face. "Remember when I told you about couple cosplays? Well I bought a pair for us!"

Immediately Gundham became flustered. "F-from which anime have you purchased this from?" Kazuichi smirked.

"Y'know! Your favorite! DanganDangan!"

(I'm unoriginal, but feel free to use this if you make a one shot with credit! ^^)

Gundham immediately became interested and offered to help open the package.

"Alright! This ones for me and that's for ya! We're going to be the best Damsou cosplay couple!" Kazuichi excitedly squealed.

Damsou.... That ship Kazuichi loved with all his heart. Between the Greatest Veterinarian and the Greatest Technician. Gundham would remember randomly walking in one night to randomly see Kazuichi doodling the two. Holding hands, going for walks. He really seems to like it.

"Well. While there is no need for I, Gundham Tanaka, to dress as someone else so, low ranking, I guess I'll try.."

"Great! Cmon!" Kazuichi pulled him inside of their bedroom


The two admired themselves



(Stim warning!)

"We..look...AWESOME!" Kazuichi immediately began stimming out of joy.
Gundham chuckled and allowed his boyfriend to calm himself down. Seeing him happy made Gundham himself happy.

Gundham admired himself in the mirror. He looked amazing he had to admit...but, He was still a god!
He smirked to himself, letting the boasting thoughts sink in.

"Yo yo!"

Gundham glanced over.

"You look even more fucking hotter than before!"

"..Thank you dear" Gundham once again smiled.


Gundham laid in the cold bed. To his side was Kazuichi, sleeping peacefully and mumbling things here and there.

"Hmm..I hope we can cosplay again soon.

422 words

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