Chapter 33 - Adrianna

Start from the beginning

Seconds later, a woman brings a pair of large gold scissors and hands them to me. Well, at least I'll get the honors in cutting the ribbon. My mother already took ownership of the project, the least she can let me do is cut a damn piece of fabric.

I prepare to cut, when my mother taps me on the shoulder, "Darling, don't you think it would be wise to let your mother cut the ribbon, it is my project after all." I glance out to see if anyone has heard her statement, and in fact the whole front row of reports has. "Why certainly," I say with consideration. A bunch of "awwws" come from crowd. I guess I spoke too soon.

Once my mother cuts the ribbon, hundreds upon hundreds of pictures are taken. We then go inside to ensure everything is up and running. Gradually the guests come in and the reporters linger outside for anymore information they can obtain about what's to come. I make my rounds through the main hall to ensure all our new guests are getting comfortable. So far so good!

"Miss. Luna, you just received a text message, would you like your phone?" My assistant Mary whispers discreetly. Typically, I don't go on my phone at large events or around my family. One because I would appear rude and uninterested and two because my mother is a bitch about phones. For this reason, Mary will hold my phone and inform me if anything urgent comes up.

I direct her a few feet away from where we are standing. "Who is it from?"

Mary looks around and then focuses her eyes back onto me. "Umm, your business partner."

Her words are so soft that what she says is nearly inaudible. "Who?" I ask again. Mary looks around again and then places one of her hands to cradle her bump. "Mr. Abernathy," she whispers again but more clearly. "Well, what does he want? I said not to inform me on anything with unimportantance."

"But, he said it was urgent and I also needed to ask if I can head out early for a doctor's appointment."

Ever since Mary told me about her pregnancy I have allowed her to leave whenever is needed, I understand that she is doing everything for two now and should stress less. Nevertheless, she continues tends to my needs first.

"Mary, you don't need to ask for permission every time; I get it your carrying a watermelon." She smiles and rubs her belly. "Thank you, and today marks 6 months with my little melon!"

"Congratulations, soon you'll be no more months with a screaming infant."

Mary lets out an awkward chuckle. Lord, I'm terrible with pregnant women or babies; I just never know how to approach the situation. Women get really motherly and kind suddenly and I guess it's kinda off putting for me.

"Anyways, you should get going. You don't want to be late to your appointment."

"Alrighty," she says while handing me my phone. I watch her waddle out and internally thank that it's her that's pregnant and not me. I could not handle a child; I barely manage with myself.

Now back to "urgent matters."

Carefully I ensure my phone isn't visible and then text Brooks.

Yes, what is so urgent?

I stuff my phone into the pockets my dress and then go back to making my rounds. As I'm talking to the secretary of the state I feel my phone buzz. Ignoring the message I continue with my conversation until my phone began buzzing nonstop. No one can hear the messages coming in but the annoying buzzing is irritating. Quickly, I wrap up the conversation and then head towards a more secluded area. Opening my messages I find 6 texts from Brooks. The first is a picture of me, in which I'm smiling with my parents.

You are so fake.

I don't know how you manage to hold yourself together and not strangle everyone around you.

No one may notice, but I can tell you would rather get hit by a car than stand there.

Anyways everything is set for the Cinco de Mayo trip.

I'll leave you be now, have fun in hell.

That's what he urgently had to tell me? I roll my eyes.

Thanks, I will!

I put my phone away and can't help realizing that I'm smiling like a child. Sometimes that man will be the death of me. "Adrianna, where the fuck have you been?" My mother's harsh words are vocalized through her clenched teeth. "I was fixing something, why?" She huffs a breath of annoyance and points towards the main hall. "Get your ass over there. I don't want to see your lazy ass doing nothing again. Now get out of my sight."

"Yes, mother." My simple words hurt to utter, but I don't want to argue with her and allow the woman to bother me anymore. She is not someone I want to add to my platter of business to handle.

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