Last day

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I woke up to the thought of summer. Would Fred and I be able to maintain the relationship if we didn't see each other. We've only been together about a week. 

"Hey Freddie, can we talk?" I said trying not to show how worried I was. He turned his head fast and had a very scared look on his face.

"Breaking up with me already?" He said trying to make a joke that didn't land very well in our current situation.

"God no. Were still gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend over holiday right? Like even if we dont see each other?" I said, picking at my cuticles. He laughed and looked up.

"What makes you think we aren't gonna see each other? You're coming over and meeting my family as soon as possible. But, if you dont want me to meet yours I understand." He said waiting for an invite.

"Of course you will meet my family. I just wanted to make sure you didn't want a break from me or anything. Like you were getting tired of me or something." I said playing with my scrambled eggs.

"Darling, I could never get tired of you." He said grabbing my hands and rubbing his thumb over mine. I smiled and grabbed his hands. We parted ways to pack our stuff up and bring it out front. We dragged our things into the common room and checked the time.

"1 hour, care to take one last walk?" he asked. I agreed and we took each others hands and walked outside.

" You know, there was part of me in that store where we met that felt connected to you. I had to make sure George didn't drug my butterbeer. Obviously I've never felt like this about anyone before, like no one. I mean its funny because before we started dating I was in divination and Trelawney told me something crazy, like more than usual. 'your soulmate is a broomstick and a cauldron away' I didn't know until now but now I do." I smiled at him thinking about how it was probably one of Trelawney's crazy random prophecies.

"And the truth is that I dont think I could spend a whole holiday without you. I mean unless you obviously wanted a break from me or you think we should spend time apart but either way i- " I grabbed his face and kissed him to make him stop blabbering on like a blithering idiot.

"I couldn't wait a whole holiday to see you either Freddie."  I said blushing. His cheeks turned redder than his neck and he picked me up and spun me around.

When we got on the train Fred and I grabbed a car with Pacifica and George. We talked most of the way home until Pacifica and George fell asleep on top of each other. Fred cracked open a book and was scribbling random doodles in it. I stared out the window thinking about the last year. Diagon alley, quidditch, Hogsmeade, and even up to just this morning. Then a thought struck me, the future. What was I going to do? I had to make a choice this summer if I were to put in as much work as possible to make the Canons or just live.

I would always love to say just live but for once I have more than just my dad to stay alive for. Fred, George, Pacifica, Katie and Angelina, the Canons, and Hogwarts. I have so much now, actual things to lose. That's scarier than detention with Snape.

I have all summer to spend thinking thought but one thought stayed in my mind. Fred. What were we supposed to do after we left Hogwarts? If I made the cannons?

"Hey Arabella, you okay?" Fred asked from beside me. I took a deep breath and thought a second more.

"Fine, just thinking." I said back. We sat for a second.


 "The future" I said

That summer went by faster than you can count to ten. I met Fred's family, and boy are they just a magnificent group. Lots of gingers though, I felt very out of place amongst so many red heads. I stayed for a week around his little sisters birthday. We went a month without seeing each other after I had been traveling.

It was surprisingly mostly Ron's idea for me to stay and I guess him and the twins practically begged Mrs. Weasley to let me stay. She said she had no problem with it in the first place but loves to make a fool out of the boys.

We got along very well and had an amazing time messing around with the boys. I didn't see his dad much during the day, because of his job at the ministry.

His siblings are all so fantastic, I already knew Ron and Percy but his little sister Ginny was so sweet too. She would beg me to braid my hair and try out new hairstyles on me.

He also has 2 older brothers I had never met until they showed up- Bill and Charlie. They were both very fun, we played quidditch and they both seemed very professional but turned out to be just like the twins.

They both made fun of Percy twenty-four seven. By the end of the week I felt like family. His mom sat with me and watched the boys play for quite a bit on my last night there.

"You know the first thing Fred told me about his year was you. Said he's really into you." I laughed and smiled at Fred up on his clean sweep.

"He talks about you like a goddess Mrs. Weasley. He did say you were quite a bit like my father- its a compliment." I told her.

 "So tell me, did you use muggle dye or did you teach yourself that? Very impressive for a witch of your age." Mr. Weasley said when he got home, I told him all about my previous summer and saying how much I learned. I told them about the expelling incident and they both thought nothing of it. I guess Fred almost set their own house on fire a few times too.

That night Fred and I layed on the couch while Ginny opened her presents.

"No way! Is that an autograph from Harry! Ron you shouldn't have!" She was jumping and screaming.

 "it isn't real but its close enough to his real that she wont even notice" He said. Fred and I laughed and I handed her the present I brought her.

A color changing quill that changes to the color you think of. She was ecstatic and came up and hugged me. She hugs a lot like Fred. Lots of squeezing and shaking. I went home the next morning. We spent the next few weeks seeing each other off and on until the next term. It was the best summer I've had in some time.

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