Truth or Dare

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The next day was our second quidditch match and Fred's arm was so close to being healed that he offered to play one handed. Fred had been bandage free since before dinner the night before. Wood wouldn't let him risk getting further hurt saying how we can beat Hufflepuff with one beater.

We all woke up super early and ate breakfast together. Fred came in the dining hall wearing red and gold face paint with a lion painted on the side of his cheek. He kept saying how if he wasn't allowed to play he would be the biggest fan. He also kept saying how he wasn't angry but we all knew he really was.

Fred left us to all get changed and wished us good luck. We got into the changing room and Wood gave us his general speech about effort and stamina.

We walked onto the pitch seeing the largest crowd so far. Everyone was wearing either red or yellow face paint in honor of the two teams. Ravenclaw and Gryffindor were wearing red and Slytherin and Hufflepuff yellow.

Before we mounted our brooms I saw Fred in the stands holding a huge sign that switched between 3 names, Harry, George, and Arabella. I laughed and pointed to show George and Harry. We all found it quite amusing. The game went fairly smooth until I looked up to Harry. After the dementors last game, Harry almost fainting again, and Fred falling off his broom I wasn't having any repeats. 

Harry had a look of fear plastered on his face as dementors sat on the bottom of the quidditch pitch. When I looked back to Harry he was gone.

"Expecto Patronum!" echoed from the bottom of the pitch where a bright light shone. 

Harry caught the snitch and won the game right after. The dementors ended up being Draco in a cloak, pathetic. 

That night in the common room there was an after party. It was mainly Gryffindor with a few Ravenclaw and even a Hufflepuff girl there to celebrate.

It was pretty much a "Harrys the best!" party but I didn't mind. He did win us the game and defend himself against fake dementors. Wood and George had harry on their shoulders while Katie and I stood at the snack table and cheered.

Katie gasped when she saw Cedric Diggory across the room. She ran over and apologized to me for leaving me.

"Just to be clear, you were just as incredible as Harry." Fred said, leaning on the punch table.

I smiled and thanked him when people started clearing out a bit. There was mainly the team, a few boys, and a few girls.

The girls called me over to talk about Fred when Lee Jordan called out, "Lets play truth or dare!" The boys all sat in a circle while the girls stood by the punch station still chattering on.

 "Alright ill go first! Freddie, truth or dare." Lee said. 

 "Oh goodness, truth." Fred said.  The boys all laughed as Lee thought up a truth.

"Who and what did you smell in your Amortentia." Fred shot a glance at me and made eye contact. We both looked away awkwardly and Fred stuttered.

"Well Mr. Jordan, I smelled perfume, old books, and campfires. But I dont know who it is." All the guys groaned and started yelling at Fred.

"yes you do Freddie! Tell us!" George said.

"Alright, I have an idea. Ill give you a hint" The guys fell silent at this sentence. No surprise here but so did the girls.

"She is a witch" Fred said and all the boys groaned once again.

"I'm getting punch so dont hold up." The boys kept playing as Fred walked over to the table.

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