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In all the mess with Fred I didn't realize that tomorrow is Halloween. More importantly though, we had another quidditch match against Ravenclaw.

It was Fred's first day back. We had since made up from our minor issues and figured out that it was all stress from school and quidditch. It wasn't just stress but if that kept my feelings for him hidden, I would go for just about anything at this point to keep our friendship alive. He even offered to set me up with Cedric. I declined and said that if it were going to happen it would come about naturally. I didn't know how he hasn't put two and two together with the fire part of his or the firework part from mine.

It seemed so obvious for me, and apparently it seemed pretty obvious for everyone else too. Girls I had never met before came up to me and were asking if it was really Cedric, I always said that I wasn't sure.

George said the boys couldn't believe that his was Katie and that they all secretly wanted us together.

I kept telling George that mine was definitely Cedric and every time he would say "Sureeee" and would walk away with his fingers crossed behind his back. I dont believe George would tell Fred about my feelings but maybe just hint to it. Either way the three of us were even closer before, even George and I were getting closer.

"Hey Bella, I was thinking of pulling a joke on Fred. Interested?" George said in Potions while Fred was cleaning his cauldron.

"Is Snape a little bitch? Of course." I said.

"Alright here's the plan, during the Halloween party we slip a little veritaserum in his drink, he will spill everything." I nodded and was hopeful for the next night. Maybe he would say something about his Amortentia.

"Isn't that against the rules? And a little violating?" I asked

"Technically, not violating since we will wait until later in the night when people leave. Second, since when have you cared about the rules?" George asked. 

"Sounds good enough for my standards." I joked. 

The game that night went by fairly quickly. Fred and George took out 2 out of 3 of their chasers, and nearly knocked the seeker of his broom. We were scoring points like crazy and Harry found the snitch in no time. When walking off the field with Harry and the twins, Draco walked up to us.

"Ahh so you're the perfect little witch my mum keeps asking me to befriend. Why are you with Pottah?" Draco said. It was at that moment I realized I never wrote to Narcissa.

"Yes, and Potter is my friend. Why dont you hang out with him?" Draco scoffed and pretended to puke at the thought of being nice to Harry.

"Are you kidding? Hang out with the chosen one? Some of us are too good to believe that rubbish. In a duel, if Pottah went up against the dark lord he would be taken out in a second." He said with a smirk on his face. Harry started to lunge at Draco but I put my arm out to stop him.  Even if Harry was the chosen one, he was still built like a gazelle and the height of my leg. Draco wasn't much taller but at least had been fed properly for the first 11 years of his life.

"Draco, I will write to your mother. She does fancy me quite a bit more than you. Don't tempt me, oh and dont forget, I know where you live." I said as I turned Harry around and the twins followed.

I heard Draco mumbling, "She wont write mother. Of course she knows where I live, we all live at Hogwarts." We all walked silently for a bit when we got into the castle. Snape walked in front of us and stopped us.

"What are you up to?" He asked. We all looked at each other very confused, as we did nothing.

"Nothing Sir." I said in a breathy voice.

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