Conquering the Curses

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The last months of the year went by faster and faster, July approaching rapidly. The third task coming up in less than two weeks, the school getting more and more excited every day.

"There's our champion!" George teased as I sat down at breakfast

"Oh shut it, Weasley," I said, blushing

"You love the attention and you know it," Fred said, sitting down next to me

"You know me too well," I said. He wasn't wrong, I did love the attention. I've always loved the attention.

"Have you figured out what it is yet?" George said

"No, but Fleur said they were supposed to be telling us today," I said, looking to the entrance to the great hall.

"What is there, a week left?" Fred asked

"Just about," I said, trying not to panic as I realized how close it was.

"Ms. Dupont, follow me", McGonagall said, grabbing your attention. Following her and the other three champions outside, a giant maze of grass was grown.

"That wasn't there yesterday," Harry said, staring at the maze.

"Hagrid is quite talented at magical growth, it should be ready in about a week," McGonagall said as the headmaster and headmistress of the other schools joined us.

"You are to explore the maze, find the cup, and fight off any challenges that come by along the way," McGonagall said, her face stern.

"The rules will be explained on a later date, I suggest you all study," McGonagall said before swiftly leaving the field, leaving just the four champions. We all looked at each other before nodding and leaving, I went first followed by Fleur.

"So Arabella, are you ready for this task?" Fleur asked as we walked into the castle.

"Surprisingly, yes," I said

"You know Bella, it is silly. You have completely lost your accent" Fleur said, smiling.

"My accent? Fleur, I've always been British. It made me stand out among the girls at school, I hate it" I said, confused.

"No, at school you picked up a small french accent. No one noticed but I loved it, when did it leave?" She asked

"The summer I left I would imagine," I said, thinking back to that date.

"I miss you at the academy" Fleur said suddenly.

"I miss you too Fleur," I said

"I just wanted you to know in case something happens out there. I love you and I always will be here for you" She said, a twinge of sadness in her voice.

"I love you too Fleur but I can assure you, nothing is going to happen," I said, uncertain.

"Well, I really must be going," She said before turning abruptly and walking from the corridor we were in.


The days leading up to the task were long and dreadful, anxiously awaiting the maze. I would spend hours upon hours in the library with Harry, working on new and exciting curses to use. Most of the curses I already knew and could do well, Harry not so much.

"Remind me again how you are only 2 years older than me and are already so advanced. I can't imagine learning all of this in the next year." Harry chuckled

"I really should be a year up remember? Have I never told you about that?" I asked

"About your transfer? Your dad got a new job right?" Harry asked

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