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I ended up finishing the last bit of the school year from the safe house, an owl bringing my school work to the home. Slowly but surely recovering. 

"Arabella good news!" George said as he and Fred came bursting into my room. 

"We want to offer you a position at Weasley Wizards Wheezes!" Fred said the twins had been much more cheery and open towards everyone now that they were away from school. They had been planning non-stop and even started producing their items. 

"You guys have offered me a position every day this week and I already told you guys my answer, ill help out over summer but once they go back to school I'm becoming an intern at Hogwarts." I said 

"Intern for who? You still have yet to tell us!" Fred whined, slumping down in the chair in my room.

"Most likely either Pomfrey or McGonagall. I cant stand Snape, even though I'm the best at potions, so I told McGonagall I would help her out and help Pomfrey on busy days." I said, getting up from my bed to grab the letter McGonagall sent me. 

"Oh right, 'the fun professor' is what you wanted to be," Fred said

"It's still what I want to be, with the lack of Quidditch in the fourth year, and Umbridge stopping half of the games for mandatory detentions I didn't get any looks from the cannons, there's no chance," I said, obviously I would want to continue my career with the cannons but there's no way they would recruit me this late. 

"Well you know the Harpies are having a sort of tryout camp thing this summer with some of the other teams? Ginny's been raving about it all week! You should go!" George said

"Georgie your genius! You have to go and we will not take no for an answer!" Fred said 

"Okay, fine ill go but no promises about anything beyond that, when is it?" I asked

"This weekend" George said.


"Good morning athletes! Today is the summer tryout, meaning you are trying for a possible position on our team. We may take a few of you, we may take none of you." The Harpies coach said. Looking around the other candidates all seemed very nervous, almost scared. 

"Now, there isnt too big of a turnout so this should be easy, get warmed up and then we will begin drills." A coach of another team said. 

The day went by fast, quick games, drills, and then individual meetings with certain coaches at the end. 

"Ahem, Mrs. Dupont, is it?" A cold voice said from behind me. Turning around to see the short woman who once sat in the crowds of Hogwarts standing before me. 

"Mrs. Klinger?" I asked 

"Hello again, you were incredible out there young lady." She said, the two of us smiling before I could break the silence. 

"Listen, I know I havent kept in touch, these last years have been... well busy." I said 

"I dont need to know the details of your past, you are no longer a child, no longer a student. Nothing is official yet, I need to converse with my assistants and team but, if you are able to be in Chudley later this week, we would have you for a practice." She offered

"Yes, I can be there tomorrow morning if needed." I said, cracking a smile. 

"Ill send a letter with the details, until then stay out of trouble. Oh, and I heard about your father, im so very sorry for your loss my dear." She said, reaching in for a slight hug. 

"Thank you Mrs. Klinger, it means a lot." 

"Please call me Elouise, ill see you this weekend." She said before turning back. 

Amour - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now