The Wedding

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"Fred darling, would you help me with this?"  I said, turning around in my dark red dress. Fred slowly zipped up the back of my dress, handing me my heels. I turned around to face him, fixing his dark red tie to match.

"You want to know something?" Fred asked

"Hmmm?" I asked

"I absolutely love weddings, Ive always been excited for my future wedding." Fred said 

"I think you mean our future wedding" I said, emphasizing the our. 

"Maybe" Fred said sarcastically before grabbing his jacket and opening the door for me.  The wind slightly blowing, I looked up at him, his hair moving slightly.

"You look absolutely stunning you know that?" He said 

"I know, as do you. Its a good thing Fleurs a veela or else we would be stealing the spotlight tonight." i said with a wink. 

"Sometimes the universe gives help to those less fortunate, poor Bill. Always was the ugly duckling in the family." Fred said 

"I don't know, I would have to say George is." I said before leaving his side and walking inside to help Molly.

"Were- Were twins?" Fred said before following.

"Good afternoon Molly, Fred and I were just about to go help set up the tent, anything else you need?" I asked

"Oh Fred can do that heavy lifting, you can stay here and help me with dishes maybe? Only if youd like" She said 

"Oh Id love to" I said, grabbing a plate and doing the washing spells, once Fred was out of the door and we were alone Molly turned sharply to me. 

"Listen dear, I love Fleur, shes grown on me, im sure youve heard how I used to feel, but well, part of me wishes this was your and Freddies. Not that im not so pleased with both of them but well, you have been such an amazing person for Fred, and him for you im sure." Molly rambled

"Well thank you Molly, thats so sweet. Fred and I were actually just talking-" 

"Oh my merlin, did he propose?" Molly said grabbing my hand and looking for the ring. 

"Oh sadly no, not yet, but we did talk about how much he loves weddings and we cant wait for the day ours happens" I said, the woman calming back down.

"Well hes got half a mind not to propose soon, you are much too good for him, better put a ring on it before you slip away" Molly joked

"You flatter me Mrs. Weasley, how did you know it was the right time with Arthur?" I asked

"There was one date we went on, after the first war, the first real date since all the fighting, and well, he remembered my exact order at the three broomsticks. We had only been there twice before, nothing much, but I was late and he ordered everything beforehand so when I arrived, it was there. Its the little things." Molly said

"Thats adorable Molly" I said 

"Arthur really was, and still is quite the charmer. Always pulling little tricks and schemes to make me happy. Thats how you know hes the one." Molly said 

"I dont mean to get your hopes up but thats how i feel with Fred everyday, Its amazing living with him at the moment, I mean I fall back in love with him everyday i see him." i said, blushing.

"Im so glad darling, you and Fred, I always knew. Since that day in Diagon Alley, you were the first person to ever tell them apart like that and then trick them, they love that story, one of their favorites." Molly said

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