Summer with the Order

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( thank you all for 80k! That's absolutely insane that this story has gotten so many reads so far! I hope you all enjoy the next chapters! I am planning on writing past the battle but for now, I truly don't know how this is going to end)

Dad and I spent a week at home, packing. Finally, one night we left on brooms. The trip was short and easy, landing on a random street in front of a large building.

"Here we are Bella," Dad said, stepping off of his broom and taking off the charms that shielded us from the outside world.

"So, who all will be here?" I asked as Dad waved his wand.

"A few other people, we will explain when we get inside." He said, the house suddenly moving. A whole part of the building came from inside the other, revealing a secret house.

"Did you know about mom?" I asked

"Partially, but she told me she was done with that non-sense, again we will talk when they let us in." He said, the door swinging open to show a few older people.

"Arabella," Professor Lupin said, standing next to Mrs. Weasley and another young woman.

"Professor, Mrs. Weasley? What are you doing here?" I asked

"We will explain soon dear, come on in." Mrs. Weasley said

"Im getting very tired of hearing that." I joked to my dad, who was behind us.

"Are you thirsty dear? Hungry? Here please have a seat." Molly pushed

"Im fine Mrs. Weasley, I swear. Im fully healed and feeling better." I said it wasn't a complete lie. Rather a small white lie. Physically I had been fine, mentally not so much. I haven't been able to sleep soundly for at least a week. My mind had been filled with nightmares and I've been constantly vigilant.

Mrs. Weasley showed me to an almost empty dining room, with only two people other than Mrs. Weasley, Lupin, the other woman, and me.

"Nymphadora Tonks, you can call me Tonks or any other nickname you come up with." The other woman said, bubbly. Her purple hair the only bright thing on her, her clothes dark and stealthily.

"She is my partner in auror school, well was." He said

"Was?" I asked

"We graduated, off to work now," Tonks said with a smile.

"That's so exciting dad! Congratulations you guys!" I said, beaming.

"You probably recognize me." A man sitting at the edge of a table said.

"Sirius Black, of course, I do. Harry didn't stop talking about you last year" I said, a smile shown across my face.

"All good I hope," He said, leaning forward slightly.

"And you know me, well you know how I look," Moody said

"Professor Moody, of course, I know you," I said, confused

"Did no one tell her?" Sirius said

"Last year I was held hostage by a death eater, Ms. Dupont. I don't know anything other than your name and what the order has told me." He said

"The order?" I asked

"Are you sure this girl didn't have her memory wiped?" Sirius said

"No, I just chose to keep it secret until she arrived. Honey, there's quite a lot to catch you up on." my dad said

"Im ready to hear it all," I said

"Well as you know, Voldemort is back, and your mother and the other death eaters are fully prepared to help him push his plan across. Now you are the only child being told the full extent of these issues because well- why is she the only child?" Sirius said

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