Lonesome Town

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(This chapter has some parts that doesn't follow the canon storyline- backstories and some timelines, please don't comment on them)

"Hey Dupont, what's wrong?" Ginny asked, passing me in the hall of Grimmauld place. 

"Do you know where Fred is?" I asked, my breathing heavy. 

"Last I saw him, he ran into his room but I haven't seen him since," Ginny said, looking worried. 

"Thank you," I said sternly, running past the ginger girl. Taking the stairs 2 at a time, I ran upstairs and into the boy's bedroom, without knocking. Fred was laying in bed, his back to the door. Even without seeing his face, he was sad. 

The room was dead silent, no movement. It was odd for a room that the twins inhabited, no gimmicks and no color. The shutters were drawn, the room dark. I would say he was being overdramatic, but it was our first fight. 

"Freddie?" I asked

"I don't want to talk right now." He said, his voice quieter than normal. 

"Okay, I'll respect that. I just wanted you to know that I am in the order, I lied. When you are ready to talk ill be here." I said, turning away.

He didn't answer, he didn't move. 

"I love you, Freddie," I said, before slowly closing the door, tears pricking at my eyes. Turning around to leave, my body felt a feeling I had never felt with Fred before. My eyelids were suddenly heavy, my body numb. 

I walked into my bedroom, Hermione and Ginny nowhere to be found. Laying on my bed, I looked out the window that faced the back of the house. What looked to once be a beautiful rose garden was now an unkempt, pile of soil, sitting at the back of the house. 

I spent the rest of the day there. Staring out the window, rethinking my choices. One reoccurring thought was to leave the order, to quit. The other reoccurring thought was to break up with Fred, to leave it all. 


"Harry?" I asked, turning to the shorter boy. 

"Are you okay? You weren't at dinner." He asked

"Are you? Im so glad you are safe" I said, giving the boy a tight hug. The year before Harry and I had gotten close, through the Triwizard Tournament. I hadn't seen him since the graveyard. 

"Im alright," He said 

"Me too," I said, standing in silence for a moment before motioning for Harry to come into the small room. 

"Sirius told me you would be up here," he said, joining me in looking at the window. The sky now scattered with stars. It was beautiful, even with the bright lights of London shining through. 

"Is everything okay with Fred and you? I don't mean to overstep he just was already asleep and he's normally not asleep till at least midnight. I mean you don't have to te-" Harry rambled

"It's fine Harry, just a small fight. Every couple has them." I said

"Okay well, I have my trial in a few days, promise me something?" He asked

"Anything Potter," I said 

"If I don't get to go back to Hogwarts" 

"Youll get to go back to Hogwarts" I interjected

"If I don't get to go back to Hogwarts, you'll teach me the things I miss? You're just the smartest witch I know- don't tell Hermione I said that." He said a small smile on his face. 

"Of course Harry, but what if they take your wand?" I said

"There's always potions, and wandless magic, divination, and herbology," He said 

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