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"Kill him, kill the traitor Toussaint," the cold voice said

"Yes my lord"

"And once she's done with him, she's gonna kill the entire Weasley bloodline. Including you, his filthy companion" He said

My hands were bound against constraints, my eyes tearing up at the sight of Fred. His body limp on the ground from the curses.

"Keep your eyes open deary, we want you to see this. See the life drain." A wicked voice added, a blood-chilling laugh following the sentence.

"Don't you fucking touch him! If you lay a hand on him ill murder you." I screamed as loud as possible

"Darling we told you to leave this filthy blood traitor, and yet you can't seem to listen, can you? Fine, you want a fight, we'll have a fight. Lestrange, undo the ties." Toussaint said

"Of course my dear," Lestrange said

"Well now let's fight. Get up. Now." Toussaint said, my heart beating out of my chest.

" Crucio!"

"Avada Kedarva!"

Flashes erupted from the scene, the two bodies flying back. One unconscious, and one deceased.

"Bella! Bella, are you alright?"

"Wake her up Bell!"

My body ached, my head was pounding, and my forehead was covered in sweat. The two girls stood above me as my heartbeat slowed. No one moved.

"Bloody hell, are you alright?" Katie asked

"Yes, just a nightmare," I said

"I hope so, must've been a bad one too. You were mumbling and shaking." Angelina said

"Yeah, it was definitely not a nice one," I said before standing to get dressed.

"What was it about?" Katie asked

"Can't remember, just that it was terrible." I lied, no one other than the order knew about my mum's real whereabouts. Let alone that Voldemort was seriously returning. I quickly walked into the bathroom, reciting the dream in my head.

"I er- have to talk to Trelawney about my divination test from a few days ago. I'll meet you at breakfast?" I asked, grabbing my divination book off of my nightstand.

"Um, yeah okay," Katie said, worried.

I walked out of the dorm, reciting the dream still. Tears forming in my eyes as I remembered Fred's lifeless body, my mum, and the flash of green. Looking to my feet as I walked I suddenly dropped the book as I ran into someone.

"Woah there Dupont, going someone?" Cormac asked as I looked up at him.

"Yes actually, Im late," I said

"There are no classes until later today?" Cormac said

"I took an extra individual study with Trelawney, Im late so if you'll please excuse me," I said once again

"Wait, erm- I wanted to ask you something." He said

"It can wait until after quidditch practice tonight yeah? Alright, see you later." I said, hurrying out of the busy common room, trying to remember every last detail.

As I approached the astronomy tower I pushed open the trapdoor to Trelawney's classroom. My nose suddenly being filled with the scent of vanilla and oranges, Trewlaneys favorite tea.

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