the test

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As we walked into Potions the next morning Snape had written one word up on the board. "TEST."

Fred and George groaned and took their seats. I normally get nervous for tests but potions was my strong suit. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and took my seat next to Fred.

"Now listen Arabella, you can cheat off of me if you want, but im bewitching my answers to be wrong for cheaters." Fred said, " I mean, I am like way smarter than you." We both laughed as Snape silenced us in his low voice.

"Now witches, wizards, and anyone in between, this is a test on the properties of Amortentia. You must take this test and pass to brew your potion." Fred gulped and looked down at his desk.

"Although, if you fail the first time, as im sure some of you will. There will be retakes during any detention periods." Snape went to the supply room where he sent copies of our tests out. Fred was silent for the first time in a long time.

"Hey, its gonna be okay" I assured him and tapped his hand. We both looked down and immediately moved our hands. The test was easy, I mean beyond easy. I finished in minutes and turned it in to Snape at the front. The Ravenclaw next to George was finished at the same time as me. Fred and George both took quite some time.

After we all finished Snape bewitched a quill to grade them for him and Snape sent them back as soon as the quill was done. It was mere minutes, but those minutes were torture. The classroom was silent, you could hear a phoenix feather drop.

The tests were handed back and I looked down and saw a big 100% scrawled across the top. Fred got his and turned it over 65%. He had to retake it, he looked very disappointed but played it off as he didn't care much.

"if you need to retake it, which over half of you do, step up to the front and write your name in a slot." The whole class stood other than that Ravenclaw girl, a Slytherin boy in the back, and I.

I turned to Fred and said, "You want to study with me in the common room after practice tonight? I can help you, and you too George."

"Actually Bella, thank you but Pacifica and I were going to study tonight." George said pointing to the Ravenclaw girl next to him.

"Guess its just us Freddie." We both smiled, and agreed on the time.

That night at quidditch practice Wood worked us harder than he ever had before. It made sense, we were up against Slytherin tomorrow evening. In their match against Hufflepuff they sent 2 girls to the infirmary and 1 boy looked like he was practically petrified. They were a scary looking bunch of bafoons but they knew how to play.

McGonagall strode onto the field after practice and delivered the speech about playing fair and what not.

"But with Ms. Dupont on the pitch we've got nothing to worry about." McGonagall said. Fred shot me a glance, he still must be a tad confused about my past in quidditch.

As we were walking off the field I walked between him and George. George caught him up on my quidditch past.

"And then against Knoxford, she performed the first ever standing shot. And then..." George rambled on. "against the summer team for Hogwarts she pulled off a jump shot. You may ask how she did that on a broom, and stuck the landing, but I think it was just pure skill." I looked a little shocked that George knew so much about my stats but I didn't mind.

"Wow Georgie, if I didn't know any better I'd say you had a crush on me." I joked as he laughed.

"I mean you are practically famous" George said.

"So you set fires in your school, taught yourself how to change your appearance, is a potions expert, and led your quidditch team to the championships? Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?" Fred rambled on while George went to go meet Pacifica.

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