March 13th

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Two months went by of hardcore studying, late night quidditch practices, and loads of time spent in the library with the twins. We had our exams in one week and the quidditch final in two weeks if we won our next game. Today was the game to decide who goes to the final with Ravenclaw. Its us versus Slytherin. They're the best team other than us. This game will be harder than the game against Ravenclaw for the trophy. We all walked down to the pitch together and into the dressing rooms.

"Now listen up team" Wood said standing on a wooden box in the dressing rooms.

"This game will not be easy. Slytherin is good, but they are also cruel and ruthless on the pitch." He continued. "They will foul us. Take the foul and move on. Do not foul back. You hear me? I mean you Weasleys." He said raising his voice a bit. The twins already looked mad but raised their hands in an innocent manner.

"We would never" Fred said.

"Never" George said with a smirk on his face.

Wood gave them a thumbs up and walked away. I laced up my shoes as the twins came over.

" If they hurt you, let us know." George said leaning over.

" Wood just said not to foul them" I laughed.

"Oh sweet, Bella." George said patting my back.

"its only fouling if you get caught." Fred said with a wink that made my legs go to jelly. We all grabbed our brooms and headed out to the field. Fred and George were on either side of me as the crowd roared for us. Signs with lions painted on them, our names, and a large amount of red face paint. Just about everyone but the Slytherins were rooting for us.

"And here come the crowd favorite for today! Gryffindor!" Lee Jordan shouted on the microphone. Madam Hooch lined us up and blew her whistle. We were off. I soared up to steal the quaffle right as a bludger hit the end of my broom. I slipped off and gripped the broom with one hand. I was hanging from my broom and didn't know what to do. Fred hit the bludger back at the beater who hit it at me and flew over.

"How are you doing Arabella?" He screamed to me.

"Just marvelous Fred." I said with a scowl on my face. I swung my legs back and forth to get enough momentum to flip myself back on.

"And Gryffindor scores! Wha- What is Bella Dupont doing?" Lee Jordan asked on the speaker. I swung back on my broom and flew off to get the quaffle and score. I flew next to the twins with the quaffle in hand.

"Time out!" Flint called for Slytherin.

Oliver flew over to the twins and I and said "No pressure but there's a scout for the Cannons here to watch today. McGonagall called him in for me, I dont know if ill get recruited but you might Bella." I looked into the crowd next to McGonagall and saw a woman dressed in orange and red robes with a cannons logo on her robe. We were back on the game and I swerved in and out of the Slytherin players back and forth to try and get the quaffle. I got it and scored.

We were up by over 100 points. "And that's a Gryffindor win!" Jordan called out. Harry caught it. We were going to the cup. Fred and George flew over and hugged me and then flew down to Harry. I Flew with Oliver down to the grass and met McGonagall on the pitch.

"Wood, gather your team. I want them to meet Mrs. Klinger." She said standing next to the scout.

"Fantastic game Arabella. It was a very impressive save you made to get back on your broom." McGonagall said trying to be subtle.

"Thank you Professor," I said smiling.

"This is Ms. Dupont, Arabella this is Mrs. Klinger. She is a scout for the Cannons." McGonagall said introducing us.

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