20 | Care for You

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Luckily, she didn't change with me. If we hadn't talked about what happened that night, I might've even thought that she didn't remember it because of how normal she acted around me. On Saturday, the day after our night, I helped her buy some stuff that she needed for school that was starting on Monday. She had asked me to come along, maybe because she was nervous.

She didn't directly tell me that she was but I could easily tell. I mean, who wouldn't be nervous going to a new school for last year of high school – everyone would already have their friends and would know each other for years. Her dad actually didn't come home this weekend, as he had to work double shifts and he didn't have enough time in between to come home.

"You know what, I would've thought that I'd be more nervous." Y/n looked at me from the other side of the bed while dangling her feet off of it. It was Sunday and we were laying in her room and just talking about random stuff, mostly our school experiences.

"Well, that's good, isn't it?"

"It is, but normally I would've been more nervous."

"What's different this time?"

"I don't know.." She turned around to face me and looked at me with some despair in her eyes. "Jungkook?"

"What is it?"

"Would you mind bringing me to school tomorrow?"

"No, I'd actually like to."

"You know, my dad isn't home and it's completely new to me.."

I sat myself up and supported my upper body with my arms on the bed. "It's ok, you don't have to explain. I would've brought you even if your dad was here." I smiled at her so that she would feel reassured.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Her sadness was blown away in an instant and she jumped up to start packing her bag.

"What kind of subjects do you have tomorrow?"

"Honestly, I don't even know.. I need to look at my planner later." She giggled and placed her bag back down. It was weird interacting with her like this. Like nothing ever happened. This thing she gave me Friday night had changed everything for me. I knew that it didn't change anything for her but my mind was always distracted. She would catch me off guard during the day and I had to admit to myself over and over again that I kept replaying that night.

"Do you know when your last class is tomorrow?"

"Yes, I think I get off at 3! That's not too bad for a first day.." It seemed like she tried to calm herself down by talking in affirmations. She was tense and I could sense it. Standing up and walking over to be closer to her I grabbed both of her hands.

"Hey.. It's going to be alright, ok?" I intently looked at her eyes and didn't let her avoid my gaze. "The day is going to fly by so fast and before you even know it, it's over already. Plus, I bet all your classmates are going to be friendly." She didn't say anything but wrapped her arms around me tightly.

"Thank you. I know, it's just that no one from my family is here to live this day together with me."

"I know, but you always have me." She looked up at me and smiled, her eyes being sparkly from the tears building up before hugging me even tighter.


"Have a nice day! Try to make friends, then it's easier to get through it!" I waved at her from my car window while she disappeared into the building right before the bell rang. She looked so cute with her big backpack. I decided to take the day off because I wanted to be here when she got off school, in case she wanted to talk about the things that happened or she needed to be comforted. I didn't have anything planned for today but decided that it would be a good idea if she had a little surprise once she got home, to take her mind off the things that were stressing her out.

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