26 | Mistake

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The whole week I was on edge about the date Jungkook and I were going to go on on Friday night. The only thing he told me that he made a reservation at a restaurant which I was really excited about. I had about two hours before he would knock at my door to drive to the restaurant.

I stepped out of the shower with a towel around my head and one around my body and made my way to my closet to pick out tonight's clothes. While in the shower I thought about what I should wear, being afraid that I'll be over or underdressed. The thing that always worked for me was a black dress – it wasn't too casual but also not too formal. The last thing I wanted tonight to be, was formal. Because the temperature was getting lower slowly, I picked out a white tight shirt to go under the dress that had thin straps. I'd seen that trend all over Instagram and really wanted to try it out.

Once my clothes were ready for me to wear, laying on my bed, I returned to the bathroom and took care of my wet hair. I blow dried it and moisturized my skin, put on some perfume and lastly did my makeup. I wasn't the type to wear a lot of makeup but this time I put on some more eye shadow than usually. For my lips, I went with some sheer chapstick that made them look rosy.

I nervously eyed myself in the mirror once I was completely ready. The dress was kind of tight but not to the point where it was uncomfortable – it reached about mid-thighs. Over the white shirt I layered a few golden necklaces to match the gold dangly earrings I was wearing. I couldn't bring myself to wear heels and that would've probably been a little too much, so I just went with my white converse.

Why was I feeling nervous when I spent so much time with him already? Maybe because this was our first official date after finding out about each other's feelings. It still didn't seem real to me that this was starting to feel like something romantic – I had only always seen him as a really good friend. Some people are very open and have romantic tendencies in friendships as well, so I don't blame myself for not finding out sooner. Right now it felt right, something like that shouldn't be rushed so I was happy that it was only happening now.

Jungkook's POV

It was almost time for me to meet her. I knew about her feelings towards me and even though she didn't completely return the same ones, I couldn't help but feel excited.

I meant what I said earlier. She shouldn't have to rush into something she wasn't sure of or not ready for yet and I really tried to respect that. But because I was so sure of my feelings for her it was harder than expected.

I was scared of being too overdressed, so I placed the blazer back into my closet and decided to just go for a shirt. It was a white one with long sleeves and I left the two top buttons open – I didn't want it to be too formal. My black jeans didn't have rips in them this time.

A slight knock on my door interrupted my train of thoughts while I was stuffing my phone and wallet inside of my pockets.

"I'm coming!" I shouted to let her know that I was almost done. My hands were still in the pockets when I opened the door. "Sorry, I was just get-"

My words got interrupted when I lifted my gaze and saw her standing in front of me. I knew that she was pretty but seeing her here, knowing that she made an effort to look even prettier for me was unbelievable. I slightly chuckled at her converse because I loved how she still wanted to be comfortable – she looked absolutely stunning and heels wouldn't make it any better. This was how I knew her, and this was the person I fell in love with.

"Did you want to say something?" She looked up at me, her little bag in her hands in front of her body. I confusedly blinked a couple of times, not having realized that I was probably staring at her for way too long.

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