03 | Longing (s)

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Warning: Slight smut ahead

Returning to my own apartment I plopped down on my bed. Her room was the same room as mine – just in a different apartment. I tried to sort out my thoughts and think about something else than Y/n for a minute but it just wasn't possible. Ever since I first met her, which was just yesterday evening, I couldn't get her out of my head. All I could think about was her. The way she licked her lips when she talked, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear, the way she unknowingly made me go crazy.

I was afraid to admit it – even to myself – but I was frustrated. Yes, I wanted the best for her, didn't want to rush anything. But in all honesty, I didn't even know what she wanted. Or if she even wanted anything. There might even be the possibility of her being in a relationship. I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed that I had unwillingly placed my hand on my growing bulge.

If it wasn't enough that I couldn't get her out of my head I now was horny for her too. Only thinking about her could bring me to this state – I was in deep.

I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I had to do something about my problem, even if I felt bad about it. She seemed so innocent and me having dirty thoughts about her felt like a crime. But I had needs and now had a new image in my head to think of.

I unzipped my now too tight pants and got completely naked. I stepped in to the shower and let the water drip on my hair and down my hard body, my thoughts filled with Y/n's image.

My hand crept down to my aching dick and I slowly started pumping myself. Closing my eyes and resting my other hand on the shower wall for support I started imagining Y/n. The way she sometimes licked her lips while she was talking led to me imagining her using that tongue in the same way but on a different area. I started moving my hand more swiftly and fast, feeling good as hell. The water was an amazing contrast to my hard and hot body, it being on a very cool setting. I turned around and leaned my back against the shower wall to support myself further. My hand was going fast and I couldn't stop imagining Y/n on her knees in front of me, her hair and body wet from the water dripping on us. The droplets slowly trailed down her chest and touched her hard nipples.

I threw my head back and with my free hand stroked the wet and sweaty strands of hair out of my face. My other hand went as fast as it could, bringing me closer and closer to my high. Being needy as hell right now, a small whimper left my closed mouth, even though I was trying to suppress emitting sounds. 

With my last few strokes the warm liquid spread on my hand and reached the glass shower wall on the other side. I was panting, riding on my high, my head rested on the wall behind me. My chest was rising up and down harshly and I struggled to catch my breath. I felt bad but at the same time I felt amazing. My high hasn't felt this good in a very long time, I was definitely satisfied. At least for the moment.

I changed the temperature of the water for it to be even cooler, wanting to cool down my erect and tense body.


I had plenty of time until I met with Y/n again, leaving time for me to catch up on some housework. I changed the bedsheets, vacuumed the whole apartment, washed my dirty dishes and even cleaned my bathroom. I didn't enjoy it but afterwards it always felt amazing. Especially laying in a new set of sheets, them being cool and soft and smelling of my laundry detergent.

Laying there, enjoying the freshness of my bed I thought of Y/n again. I had to be careful not to get too carried away with my thoughts again, them being a dangerous topic for my body. I badly wanted to only appreciate her as a nice human being, I didn't want to objectify her. I did, I wanted her to be happy and all but I felt bad that I had used my imagination to do something she probably hasn't done yet. Didn't it come off as disrespectful that I thought of her that way? I mean, of course I was a man with needs and this definitely wasn't the first time I touched myself. I can't explain what I'm feeling – I just wanted to try and not to think of her that way anymore, even if it was going to be very hard. She probably even had a partner, I should find out more about that person.

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