15 | Truth

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I woke up to an empty but messed up bed once the sun was already in the sky and brightly shining through my door because I didn't shut it yesterday. Some slight aching in my lower stomach made itself noticeable when I shuffled to get up and do my morning routine in my bathroom.

"Hey, sweetie. I got back home late at night yesterday, you were already fast asleep.. Did you sleep well?" My dad poked his head through the already open door and gripped the handle of it. "Hi, dad.. I slept well." I went over and gave him a tight hug in order to greet him. He chuckled while assembling the strands of my hair and stroked my cheek with his big fingers. This movement making me remember the way Jimin touched me the night before. "Honey, I think you forgot to take off your makeup, your mascara is all smudged." "Oh, I didn't even notice it.. I was out with some friends again but must've forgotten it once we got home." With my finger I traced the bottom of my eye to see if there were any black dots on it. There were.

"Were you out with Minkyu again?" Not being surprised by him knowing his name because I talked to him about it the other day, I shook my head no. "I spent time with Jungkook and his friends." "Oh, you two spend a lot of time together, don't you?" This time I nodded, giving him a positive answer.

"Mhm.. I think I need to take my makeup off now, I'll meet you in the kitchen for breakfast." "Alright then." With that he shortly stroked my hair but then turned around to prepare the food.

My mascara was all smudged over my eyes, making me look like a panda that was deprived of sleep. Jimin left late at night still, both thinking that it would be best that my dad doesn't wake up to his daughter sleeping in her bed with an unknown boy. I felt like it was going to be a good day, I felt elevated and happy, excited about spending time with my dad again. Last night was terribly amazing but I didn't want to think too much about it, as I would be stuck in my memories and not get anything done anymore. I was just hoping that it would happen again soon. Maybe that was a bad thing of me to think, but I didn't really care who it was with. Of course I would want to know the person but I didn't mind having one night stands as long as the other person was ok with it as well. I knew for a fact that Jimin didn't want anything serious but we talked about this and decided that it was best to leave it at that one time. Both of us didn't make a big deal out of it and that was nice and uncomplicated.

I applied some milky liquid on to a cotton pad to remove all the leftover makeup on my puffy face. Peeling myself out of my night wear I placed the old clothing in the basket. I turned to the mirror to tie my hair up in a quick bun to avoid getting them wet when I spotted a small red and purple hue just below my collarbone. Surprised at how I didn't even notice Jimin giving me this but it was in a place that I could cover up easily so this wasn't bad. Turning in front of the mirror to check my whole body for further hickeys I could make out slight bruises on both of my thighs. Not being surprised about this I finally stepped into the shower, cooling off my body that was warmed up from the night.


"What do you want to do today?" My dad was just placing our foods on the plate and putting the dirty utensils into the dishwasher. "Uhm.. we could go and watch a movie?" I got seated on one of the stools at the elevated counter and pulled over one of the breakfast plates. "I almost forgot to tell you, but I have two job interviews today." I knew that he was happy about this, driving for a long time two times a week and not staying in your own home was exhausting him. "No way! Dad, that's amazing!" Taking a big bite of my eggs I smiled widely at him, being sincerely excited about this. "I know... but this is not final yet, my expectations aren't too high because I don't want to disappoint myself." "Hm, that's good to think like that, but you still get to be happy about this. Dad, it would be great if you found something here, you're way too tired this way."

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