02 | Useful

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Your POV

I closed and locked our door and leaned my back against it. Thank god my neighbor came home and let me in. I honestly don't even know how long I've been sitting out there – all I know is that it was getting colder by the minute.

I kinda felt bad about me not talking too much to him. He seemed very nice but that doesn't change the fact that I was in a shitty mood all day long. Not even a pretty man like him could make me feel better in a situation like that. Maybe I get to see his beautiful face more often now, as he is my neighbor. What was his name again? Jungkook?

Before heading to my room I went to the kitchen to make myself a hot chocolate. After being out in the cold for so long I craved something warm to soothe me. Walking around the table I noticed a yellow sticky note placed at the very end which read: 

Y/n. As you know, I still have the old job. Until I get a new one that is closer to our new home, I will be sleeping at aunt Mina's house. On the weekends I will come home and we can hopefully spend some time together. You don't start school until a few weeks and you are very responsible. I trust you and you are capable of caring for yourself. I will leave early tomorrow morning. Goodnight.

Midway through the note I had to turn it over to read the rest of it.

I felt good about my dad trusting me enough to let me stay on my own but at the same time it felt weird. Being all alone in a new environment without friends or familiar people all on my own... I decided to use the time I had to explore our neighborhood and find some cafes and restaurants. That way I maybe get to know new people. I could also spend my time unpacking our things and setting up furniture. We ordered some items online and they should all arrive in the course of the week. I had enough things to get done, I wouldn't be bored for at least a week.

I took out my phone and quickly wrote my answer as a short message. 

Thank you for letting me know. Be safe. I love you, Y/n. 

After that, I finished preparing my hot chocolate.

With the mug in my hand I went to my bedroom and set the warm beverage down on my nightstand right beside my bed. I left to the bathroom, which was attached right to my new room. In the house we lived in previously I didn't have the luxury of having an own bathroom, here I did.

I did my skincare and washed up before opening my boxes and rummaging through them until I found PJs. I crawled under my huge blanket and sat myself up against the headboard. As of now, my bed was the only item of furniture set up.

The hot chocolate warmed my throat as I took little sips of it, being careful not to burn my tongue. It wasn't long until I finished my drink and set the empty mug on my nightstand again.

My eyes were heavy and shutting closed quickly. My body was drained from energy from all the moving and staying out in the cold. Hopefully I could get a good couple of hours of sleep. My last thought before I drifted to sleep was when I would get to see Jungkook again. After all, he was the first person I got to know in this new and scary place.

The next morning I woke up because I didn't have curtains yet and the sunrays made my room to bright for me to sleep longer. I wouldn't get more sleep so I decided to just get up and start my day. It was 10 AM and my dad already left.

I made myself some scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast, sitting down at our table in front of our large window looking down on the parking lot. The sun warmed my legs through the glass and it felt like it was going to be a good day.

I've been in a slump the past two months. I stopped going to school, I didn't have motivation to do anything and just always felt like it wasn't worth it anymore. Nothing brought me joy or made me really happy.

TOUCH ME || JJKNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ